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S17 - Records of the Chief Secretary's Office
1 - Chief Secretary's Office: subject files 1826-1982
1 - Chief Secretary's Office: from the Under Secretary of State, Home Office, with reference to the steps to be taken for calling out the Insular Volunteer Service
2 - Chief Secretary's Office: Money lending: correspondence regarding regulations
3 - Chief Secretary's Office: Attorney General: duties to be defined in dealing with Bills passing into and through legislature
4 - Chief Secretary's Office: Attorney General: resignation of Attorney General
5 - Chief Secretary's Office: Attorney General: His Honour the Deemster Callow asked to take charge of Government Bills until new Attorney General appointed
6 - Chief Secretary's Office: Armistice terms: arrangements for announcing the acceptance by Germany of the Allied Armistice terms
7 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace celebrations: correspondence regarding peace celebrations 19 Jun 1919
8 - Chief Secretary's Office: Armistice anniversary: service to be held in St George's Church to commemorate Armistice Day
9 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Acts: Acts passed by the Manx Legislature 1919
10 - Chief Secretary's Office: The Attorneys Act: The Attorneys Act 1921
11 - Chief Secretary's Office: Mrs E. Bowling, Victoria Street, Douglas: complaint to His Excellency the Governor - English Barrister licensed to appear in Manx courts on behalf of Mrs E. Bowling
12 - Chief Secretary's Office: Passenger certificates: certificate issued for SS Tynwald
13 - Chief Secretary's Office: Passenger certificates: certificate issued for SS Mona's Queen
14 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade certificates: notification from Board of Trade that passenger certificate has been issued for SS Fenella Viper
15 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1920
16 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: The Military Service Act (UK) 1916; The Military Service (Isle of Man) Act 1916
17 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: local tribunal elected by House of Keys
18 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: Military Service (Review of Exceptions) Act 1917
19 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: Home Office copies of military conventions with Allied States Act 1917 and the Military Service Regulations (Conventions with Allied States) Order 1917 and requests observations as to the desirability of extending the Act and Order to the Island
20 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: Military Service Act 1918
21 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: Military Service Regulations Order 1918
22 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: The Military Service (No. 2) Act 1918
23 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: copies forwarded of Air Force Acts 1919 and 1918
24 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: Deputy Chief Constable reports irregularities in the dealings of the Advisory Board
25 - Chief Secretary's Office: Military Service Act: proclamation of the 20 Apr withdrawing certain exemptions from military service
26 - Chief Secretary's Office: Contribution to Imperial Exchequer: letter from the Chancellor of the Exchequer
27 - Chief Secretary's Office: Constitutional reform: paragraph 65 of MacDonald Report recommending the abolition of the chaplaincies of Castletown and St Johns
28 - Chief Secretary's Office: Constitutional reform: the abolition of the Vicar-General as a Government appointment
29 - Chief Secretary's Office: Constitutional reform: The Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Act 1919
30 - Chief Secretary's Office: Accommodation for Government departments: purchase of Bucks Road houses 1918-1920
31 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: death of the Speaker of the House of Keys, vacancy in Middle
32 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: Mr J.R. Kerruish elected Speaker of the House of Keys
33 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: dissolution of the House of Keys 1919
34 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: Interim report on rights and privileges of the House of Keys
35 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: deputation from the House of Keys received at the Home Office in London in order to intercede for greater control over finance
36 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: copies of letters relating to the salaries of Government officials taken to the Home Office at the time of the deadlock in the Legislature
37 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: report of the deputation from the House of Keys to the Home Secretary
38 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: letter to the Speaker, House of Keys, asking if Keys will meet in Tynwald for the purpose of considering certain urgent votes
39 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Legislature: M. Gelling, Secretary, House of Keys asks for copies of the last financial statement in the House of Commons, the last Finance Bill and the last Appropriation Bill for the use of the deputation which is to go to to the Home Office
40 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: application for the newly elected Speaker of the House of Keys, Mr Clucas, to be presented at Court
41 - Chief Secretary's Office: Jersey: correspondence regarding legislature in Jersey as compared with Manx Legislature
42 - Chief Secretary's Office: Knockaloe Camp: suggestion to convert Knockaloe Camp into a permanent military training camp
43 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Day 1919: arrangements for Tynwald Day
44 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Day 1920: arrangements for Tynwald Day
45 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys Election Act 1919: compilation of list of voters under above act
46 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: correspondence regarding Isle of Man war memorial
47 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: appointment of a committee to discuss the question of the erection of a war memorial for the Island
48 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: correspondence relating to the war memorial for the Isle of Man
49 - Chief Secretary's Office: Termination of War: Treaty of Peace Order, 18 Aug 1919
50 - Chief Secretary's Office: Termination of War: Home Office forwards letters relating to claims against enemy Governments by British Nationals for reparation and compensation under Treaties of Peace
51 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaty of Peace: Treaty of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill 1920
52 - Chief Secretary's Office: Termination of War: termination of the war with Austria and Bulgaria
53 - Chief Secretary's Office: Termination of War: Home Affairs forwards copy of rules of procedure of the Anglo-German mixed arbitral tribunal
54 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Nobles Hospital Act 1921 sent up for Royal Assent
55 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishop Barrows' Charity Act 1922
56 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Church Assembly Act 1924
57 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election Act 1924
58 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Manx Museum Library and Art Gallery Act 1925
59 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Government Property Trustees Act (Amendment) Act 1925
60 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr G. Hanson to be articled to Mr J. Hyde, Advocate
61 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Amendment Act 1921: correspondence regarding making Armistice Day a bank holiday
62 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bishop Barrows Charity Act 1922: The Bishop Barrows Charity Act 1922
63 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Common Purse arrangements
64 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): correspondence regarding the Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Act 1919
65 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Act 1919, 1. election of two members of the House of Keys to Legislative Council, 2. nomination of one member by His Excellency
66 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): death of the Lord Bishop
67 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Council: The Isle of Man Constitutional Amendment (Executive Council) Bill 1921 (lost in House of Keys); also Isle of Man Constitution Amendment (Executive Council) Act 1922 (as introduced by the House of Keys)
68 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Council: proceedings
69 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Council: resolution passed by the House of Keys asking for the Home Secretary's interpretation as to whether a judge should be a member of the Executive Council
70 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: proposal that Insular Government should purchase Crown properties in the Isle of Man
71 - Chief Secretary's Office: Consuls: Home Office state that Monsieur Verburgh has been appointed Consul of the Netherlands at Liverpool with jurisdiction in the Isle of Man, notifications from Home Office of other appointments of Consuls at Liverpool
72 - Chief Secretary's Office: Consuls: appointment of J.N. Oates of Douglas as Vice Consul of Norway for the Isle of Man
73 - Chief Secretary's Office: Code-Telegraphic: correspondence on the code used in Government telegrams
74 - Chief Secretary's Office: Diocese of Sodor and Man: arrangements for enthronement of C.L. Thornton Duesberry as Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man and swearing in as a member of the Legislature Committee
75 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Bishop Barrows Charity - statement of accounts for year ended 31 Dec 1920
76 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Bishop Barrows Charity - statement of accounts for year ended 31 Dec 1923
77 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Government: appointment of Deputy Governor
78 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Government: Governorship of the Isle of Man
79 - Chief Secretary's Office: Emergency Powers Bill 1920: The Emergency Powers Bill 1921
80 - Chief Secretary's Office: Easter: The Fixed Easter Act 1921
81 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: flags for Government buildings
82 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: tithe rent on Bemahague, Onchan
83 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: particulars regarding the Bemahague Estate tenancy arrangements
84 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: list of Government contractors
85 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: The Government Property Trustees Act; Amendment Act 1925
86 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbour Commissioners: report forwarded regarding matters referred to by Committee of Tynwald on Public Works - Red Pier extension
87 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbour Commissioners: Douglas Harbour improvements
88 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbour Commissioners: Douglas Harbour improvements
89 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbour Commissioners: correspondence relating to two cannons dated George lll lying in the Harbour Commissioners yard at the Battery Pier, Douglas
90 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: House of Keys Election Act 1923
91 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: House of Keys Election Act 1924 Report of House of Keys on the desirability of amending the laws relating to elections with a view to:- 1. providing for compulsory voting; 2. preventing canvassing; 3. lessening the cost of election
92 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: House of Keys Election Act 1924
93 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: General Election, Nov 1924
94 - Chief Secretary's Office: Home Office: war contribution
95 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration of: retention of prefix 'His Honour' by Deemsters on retirement
96 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration of: appointment of Attorney General in place of Attorney General having retired
97 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration of: correspondence regarding flags of the Lieutenant Governor for the Isle of Man Steam Packet boats
98 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration of: American lawyer asks for certain information regarding Manx Law procedure
99 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx Museum: The Manx Museum Library and Art Gallery Act 1925, trustees ask that they may be given certain powers in order to facilitate the collecting of specimens for the Natural and Publications sections history
100 - Chief Secretary's Office: Museums and Ancient Monuments: The Nobles Museum Library and Picture Gallery Bill 1921
101 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: telegram from Home Office with reference to intended murder of Inspector Swanzy of Royal Irish Constabulary, staying in Douglas
102 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: general correspondence regarding promulgation on 5 Jul etc - abstract of Acts
103 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: proposed introduction of Bill regarding - Quorum of Council - summoning of Members to Tynwald - signing of Bills in Tynwald
104 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Court Emergency Powers Act 1916
105 - Chief Secretary's Office: Census 1921
106 - Chief Secretary's Office: Registrar General: Census 1921 - final tabulation of statistics
107 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: design of Manx flag
108 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: The Aliens Restriction Amendment Bill 1930 - admission of aliens into the Isle of Man
109 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: foreign band to play in Ramsey during summer season 1928
110 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Robert K. Eason, a member of the English Bar, for admission to the Manx Bar
111 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: admission of members of the English Bar to the Manx Bar
112 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Betting and Gaming Amendment Act 1928
113 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election (Voters Lists) Act 1929
114 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election (Polling Hours) Act 1929
115 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Villa Marina (Amendment ) Act 1930
116 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advertising Board: withdrawal of Heysham - Douglas passenger service
117 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advertising Board: amendment of Advertising Rate Act 1917 (alteration of designation of Board and the pensionable status of officials)
118 - Chief Secretary's Office: Armistice Day: anniversary of Armistice Day
119 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of land: The Public Authorities (Acquisition of Land) Amendment Bill 1929
120 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allotments Acts: request that Insular Act be introduced The Allotments Act 1928
121 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: awards for acts of bravery
122 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Mr Thomas Robinson of St Helens rescues a lady visitor from drowning in Douglas Bay
123 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Miss Mabel Robertson of Liverpool attempts rescue of child from drowning in Castletown Harbour, 26 Aug 1929
124 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Eric Woods (15 years) of Ramsey rescues child from drowning in Ramsey Harbour
125 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Assistant Harbour Master W. Moore rescues child from drowning in Douglas Harbour
126 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Mr Robert Cunningham of Liverpool rescues young woman from drowning off promenade extension Douglas
127 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: Mr Thomas William Kelly rescues boy from drowning in Castletown Harbour
128 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery: rescue of crew of fishing boat 'Amity' driven ashore at Peel, 18 Sep 1930
129 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade: passenger certificates issued in respect of vessels registered in the Isle of Man
130 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade: passenger certificates issued in respect of vessels registered in the Isle of Man
131 - Chief Secretary's Office: Broadcasting: broadcasting of Manx events Tynwald Ceremony etc
132 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): position of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in the Legislative Council and in Tynwald
133 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council - Executive: The Isle of Man Constitution Amendment (Executive Council) Bill 1926 - appointment of Consultative Committee
134 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council - Executive: Consultative Committee of House of Keys
135 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Cathedrals Measure Act 1926
136 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Common Purse arrangements
137 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coal supply: Miners' strike - May 1926 - press cuttings
138 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: sale to Insular Government of castles - Rushen and Peel and Tynwald Fair Ground
139 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation: The Villa Marina Amendment Bill 1930
140 - Chief Secretary's Office: Emigration: emigration to United States of America, separate quota for the Isle of Man
141 - Chief Secretary's Office: Emigration: free farm training and settlement in New Zealand for sons and daughters of seamen
142 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Buchan School loan; annual grant to the Castletown High School for Girls
143 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: Manx national flag
144 - Chief Secretary's Office: flags: colours, standards of Manx Fencibles, Volunteers etc
145 - Chief Secretary's Office: Graves - War: War Graves Commission request that documents of title might be forwarded
146 - Chief Secretary's Office: Graves - War: war graves - Patrick churchyard
147 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: Governorship of the Isle of Man [from 11344/24]
148 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: appointment of Sir Claude Hill as Lieutenant Governor and arrival and swearing in arrangements etc
149 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: correspondence - Earl Jellicoe on subject of local War Pensions Committee Manx Legion and Ex-Service Mens Funds
150 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: proposed new Legislative building and accommodation for Government departments [from 1163/5/1]
151 - Chief Secretary's Office: Executive Government: order of precedence in the Isle of Man
152 - Chief Secretary's Office: Gaming and Betting: The Gaming and Betting Bill 1928
153 - Chief Secretary's Office: Gaming and Betting: Racecourse Betting Control Board
154 - Chief Secretary's Office: Gaming and Betting: report on racing at Belle Vue summer 1930
155 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: Douglas Harbour Improvements (outer works) [from 11882/20 (F3)]
156 - Chief Secretary's Office: Manx language etc: recognition of services of Mr J.J. Kneen MA to Manx philology
157 - Chief Secretary's Office: Murders - insular: murder of Mr Percy William Brooke of Lezayre, enquiry into circumstances of escape of alleged murderer
158 - Chief Secretary's Office: Obscene Publications Convention: inclusion of the Isle of Man [from 11889/?18]
159 - Chief Secretary's Office: Oil pollution: oil pollution of Manx territorial waters
160 - Chief Secretary's Office: Road repairs: road repair and development schemes, Ramsey 1929-30
161 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: unauthorised use of Royal Emblems [from 13925/15-23925/3]
162 - Chief Secretary's Office: Racing: greyhound racing in the Isle of Man
163 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: regulations governing the granting of police pensions [to 24141/5]
164 - Chief Secretary's Office: Summer Time Act: Summer Time [from 14147/2]
165 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours: The Shop Hours Bill 1930
166 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: arrangements for Tynwald Ceremony at St Johns 1926 [from 14362/9]
167 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony at St Johns, Order of Service
168 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony at St Johns 1927, arrangements
169 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony at St Johns 1928, arrangements
170 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony, St Johns 1929, arrangements
171 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony, St Johns 1930, arrangements
172 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: part taken by Chaplain of the House of Keys in Tynwald Ceremony at St Johns
173 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald at St Johns, 5 Jul 1931, arrangements
174 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment schemes: promenade widening scheme
175 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Act 1927: particulars supplied by insurance companies under section 4 (1) of the Workmens Compensation Act 1927
176 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: The War Memorial (Local Authorities Powers) Act 1927
177 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: Roll of Honour of the British Empire
178 - Chief Secretary's Office: War memorials: Manx National Roll of Honour in St Johns Chapel, dedication
179 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Arthur Christian Luft articled to Mr Eric W. Fargher
180 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: regulations governing the preliminary examination for admission to the Manx Bar [from 10021/19]
181 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: regulations governing admission to the Manx Bar [from 10021/19]
182 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Companies Act 1931
183 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Ecclesiastical Residences Dilapidations Act 1932
184 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishops Temporalities Act 1932
185 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Wild Birds Protections Act 1932
186 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishop Barrows Charity Act 1932
187 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Loan Conversion (Consequential Provisions) Act 1933
188 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishops Barrows Charity Act 1934
189 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election (Voters Lists) Act 1934
190 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Corporation Electric Light and Power Amendment Act 1934
191 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Law Society (Amendment) Act 1934
192 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election Act 1934
193 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Church Act 1934
194 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Imported Kippered Herrings Amendment Act 1935
195 - Chief Secretary's Office: Armistice Day: anniversary of Armistice Day [to 25021/1 from 15019/1]
196 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade: passenger certificates [to 25224/1 from 15226/1]
197 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: King's Silver Jubilee celebrations - issue of proclamation by His Excellency declaring the 6 May 1935 a day of public thanksgiving
198 - Chief Secretary's Office: Brewers Act: The Beer (Rebate of Duty) Bill 1933 [to 25228/2]
199 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Common Purse arrangements [from 15448/3]
200 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: periodical returns of Common Purse yield [from 15448/3/1]
201 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Ottawa Conference (Agreements) Bill
202 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): constitution of the Legislative Council
203 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council (Legislative): on the subject of the precedence inter se of the Receiver General, the Archdeacon and the Vicar General
204 - Chief Secretary's Office: Copyright: amendment of Rome Copyright Convention of 1928
205 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: promenade widening scheme [from 19581/8]
206 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: proposed widening of Queens Promenade
207 - Chief Secretary's Office: Decorations: recommendations forwarded to the Home Office regarding decorations
208 - Chief Secretary's Office: Decorations: correspondence regarding the bestowal of foreign decorations on Manx persons [to 27965/12]
209 - Chief Secretary's Office: Decorations: award of Imperial Service Medal to Miss C.E. Fayle
210 - Chief Secretary's Office: Estimates: estimates of the Local Government Board 1934-1935
211 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: administration of the House of Keys Election (Voters Lists) Acts 1934
212 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys Election Bill 1934
213 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: administration of the House of Keys Election Act 1934
214 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: General Election 1934
215 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys Election Bill 1935
216 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: loan to Castletown High School for Girls Limited [from 16344/2]
217 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: erection of secondary school at Ramsey [from 16344/10/1]
218 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Bishop Barrows Charity Bill 1934 correspondence - King William's College
219 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: King William's College constitution of trustees
220 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: flying of flags on Government flagpoles on special occasions [to 26565/3 from 16565/3]
221 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: Manx national flag [from 16565/2]
222 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: flying of Manx flag on piers and buildings etc under the control of the Isle of Man Harbour Commissioners [to 26565/1]
223 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: flags for Government buildings [from 16565/1 to 26565/2]
224 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: regulations regarding flying of Union Flag by the Lieutenant Governor
225 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fleets - visits of etc: visits of HM Ships [to 26566/8 from 16563/1]
226 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fleets - visits of etc: visits of foreign war vessels [from 16563/2]
227 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highways Acts: The Road Traffic Act 1930 - suggested local legislation on lines of above [from 19374/2]
228 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highways Acts: position of the Tower Insurance Company under the Road Traffic Act 1933 [to 27443/2]
229 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highways Acts: particulars furnished by insurance companies under section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1933
230 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highways Acts: form of particulars to be furnished by insurance companies under section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1933
231 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highways Acts: third party insurance particulars furnished by insurance companies in respect of the year 1933
232 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: Douglas Harbour improvements Red Pier extension scheme [to 26883/2/1 from 16883/8/3
233 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: official opening of the extended Red Pier and viaduct 1936
234 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: redistribution of seats
235 - Chief Secretary's Office: High Bailiffs: resignation of Mr W.P. Cowley, High Bailiff of Ramsey and Peel, The High Bailiffs Bill 1933
236 - Chief Secretary's Office: Iceland: results of visit of Manx representatives to one thousandth anniversary of Althing celebration - Jun 1930
237 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice of the Peace: appointment of magistrates [to 27541/1]
238 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: report of the Administration of Justice Commission, action taken thereunder
239 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: raising of loan for funding of war contribution
240 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: £50,000 (1942-82) 4.5% loan, payment of interest and investment of Sinking Fund [to 27745/1]
241 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: £530,000 (1953-83) 3.5% loan, payment of interest and investment of Sinking Fund
242 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) Bill 1931
243 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: Orders-in-Council made under the Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) Act 1932
244 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: notification received from local registrars of shipping regarding additions to a removal from the register
245 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: The Merchant Shipping etc Act 1938, application of part 1 to the Isle of Man. Also Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Act 1919
246 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: The Merchant Shipping etc Act 1932, application of part II to the Isle of Man
247 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: international regulations for preventing collisions at sea
248 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Act: pilot signals
249 - Chief Secretary's Office: Murders: murder of Mr Percy W Brook by inmate of Mental Hospital [from 17975/1]
250 - Chief Secretary's Office: Prerogative of Mercy: exercise of Prerogative of Mercy in the Isle of Man
251 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties: treaties of peace [from 18328/1]
252 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties: Order in Council imposing sanctions on Italy, The Treaty of Peace Covenant of the League of Nations Order 1935 [to 28322/1]
253 - Chief Secretary's Office: Registrar General: Registrar General's approval to alterations in registers
254 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, general arrangements
255 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: Prince George's visit - Jun 1932, reports from Isle of Man Times
256 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, programme
257 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, furniture etc for Prince's visit
258 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, application for press facilities
259 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, issue of press permits
260 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, arrangements for flying of flags etc
261 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: visit of His Royal Highness Prince George Jun 1932, arrangements for reception etc at Government House
262 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: celebration of Silver Jubilee 1935
263 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: King's Silver Jubilee celebrations May 1935, floodlighting of public buildings
264 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: celebration of the King's Silver Jubilee, May 1935, decoration of public buildings
265 - Chief Secretary's Office: Royalty: King's Silver Jubilee celebrations May 1935, suggestion that 6 May should be a public holiday
266 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: regulations governing grant of police pensions
267 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation of Constable W.H. Corkan
268 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation of Constable William Henry Quayle, also death of
269 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: case of Mrs W.E. Callister widow of Police Constable Callister
270 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation of Constable Albert Edward Bell
271 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours: The Shop Hours Bill 1931
272 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours: The Shop Hours Bill 1933
273 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: international treaties and conventions between the UK and foreign countries
274 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: convention between Great Britain and France regarding commercial matters
275 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Acts: particulars furnished by insurance companies in respect of the year 1934
276 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Acts: business done by insurance companies, general correspondence [to 27443/4]
277 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Acts: particulars furnished by insurance companies in respect of the year ended 31 Mar 1931
278 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Acts: rules of court made under The Workmens Compensation Acts
279 - Chief Secretary's Office: Workmens Compensation Acts: Workmens Compensation Insurance Committee
280 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: suggested formation of territorial unit in the Isle of Man
281 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: Territorial Association in the Isle of Man
282 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: purchase of land for the erection of drill halls in the Isle of Man
283 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army-Territorial: remuneration of employees of Government departments and Boards of Tynwald while at Territorial Army camp
284 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army-Territorial: appeal by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to stimulate recruiting for the Territorial Army
285 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army-Territorial: His Excellency appointed Honorary Colonel of 15th Light AA Regiment
286 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army-Territorial: proposal to issue a Manx 'flash' to the 15th Light A A Regiment
287 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army-Territorial: establishment of a recruiting office at Douglas, voluntary recruiting [see also 29749/52/1]
288 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air Force: regulations governing the use of the Jurby Airport, also use of Royal Air Force ranges at Port Soderick and Spanish Head
289 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air Force: regulation governing the use of Jurby Airport, also use of Royal Air Force ranges at Port Soderick and Spanish Head
290 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: report of the National Defence Commission
291 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: proposed establishment of an anti-aircraft artillery range at Burrow Head
292 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: field range for the military
293 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: extension of the Army Act to the Isle of Man
294 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: application for Government grant for army cadets
295 - Chief Secretary's Office: Army: proposed establishment of an anti-aircraft practice range at Bride
296 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Arthur Christian Underhill as a police cadet
297 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions and transfers: Sergeant W. Gale to be promoted to Inspector; Acting Sergeant W. Kneen to be promoted Sergeant; Cadet E.J. Harper to Constable; Constable G. Godfrey to Messenger; Constable J. Quayle transferred to Douglas; Constable J.S. Corrin to be transferred to Douglas House of Keys
298 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John William Quayle as a police cadet
299 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions, appointment of Cadets J.H. Curphy, J.H. Kelly, J.M. Colvin and G.W.A. Kinrade as probationary constables
300 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as police cadets of T.F. Kinrade, F.E. Gawnem, B.G. Christian, J. Swindlehurst
301 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions and appointments: Detective Sergeant W. Kneen to be appointed Station Sergeant; Acting Sergeants J. Bell and A. Corris to be appointed Sergeants; Constable F. Quayle to be appointed House of Keys Messenger; Constables A. Kelly, T.D. Lewis and G.D. Bridson to be appointed Acting Sergeant; Cadets J.R. Burden, E.K. Skillicorn and J.J. Clague to be constables
302 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of W.H. Gale as Probationary Constable, T.A. Kinrade, R.C. Corrin and F.C. Cannell as cadets
303 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as probationary constables, John Richard Gelling and William Hull Brown
304 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Edward Corlett as probationary constable
305 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions and transfers: Acting Sergeant J.T. Kneale to be Sergeant at Peel; Constable Jack Lace to be Acting Sergeant at St Johns; Constable A.P. Cowin to be transferred to Port Erin
306 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Albert Cretney as a probationary constable
307 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions and transfers: Acting Sergeant R.H. Lancaster to be Sergeant in Douglas; Constable T.A. Cringle to be Acting Sergeant at Onchan
308 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Trevor Rimmer as a probationary constable
309 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of George Turnbill and Robert Stephen Bannan as probationary constables
310 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions: Acting Sergeant Alf Kelly promoted to Sergeant; Constable Bertie Kelly promoted to Acting Sergeant
311 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Caleb Jones as a probationary constable
312 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions and transfers: Inspector W. Gale to be Chief Inspector at Douglas; Sergeant W. Kneen to be Inspector at Ramsey; Acting Sergeant G.D. Bridson to be Sergeant at Douglas; Constable F.G. Corris to be Acting Sergeant at Laxey; Constable T.W. Faragher to be transferred to Ballasalla; Constable W.E. Astill to be transferred to Peel; Cadet A.C. Underhill to be a constable on probation
313 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police transfers
314 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Quayle as a police cadet
315 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Sergeant J.T. Kneale to be Inspector; Acting Sergeant W.C. Mylcraine to be Sergeant; Constable J.S. Corrin to be Acting Sergeant; Cadet J.W. Quayle to be Constable; Constable W.C. Gale transferred to Douglas; Constable S. White transferred to Andreas
316 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Constable G. Godfrey to be Acting Sergeant at Castletown; Constable Christian to be transferred to Douglas; Constable J.J. Quayle to be House of Keys Messenger [see file 25001/101]
317 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Edward Ernest Sloane as a police cadet
318 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions: Sergeant J. Bell to be Inspector; Acting Sergeant J.D. Lewis to be Sergeant; Constable F. Faragher to be Acting Sergeant and transferred to Onchan; Acting Sergeant Cringle to be transferred to Douglas
319 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: transfer of Inspector Kneen to Douglas, Inspector Bell to Ramsey. Appointment of Inspector Bell as Inspector of Dangerous Goods
320 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Robert Kneen and John Richard Gelling appointed as established constables
321 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of James Swindlehurst as a probationary constable
322 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Peter Moyer as a cadet
323 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Edward Corlett and Bernard Douglas Fick appointed as established constables
324 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Trevor Rimmer as established constable
325 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of George Edward Lancaster as a probationary constable (cadet)
326 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointments of William Henry Gale as an established constable
327 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Robert James Kermeen as an established constable
328 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Edward John Harper as an established constable
329 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of James Alan McLean as temporary police cadet
330 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Robert Charles Corrin, Thomas Albert Kinrade, Frank Charles Cannell and Frank Edward Gawne as probationary constables
331 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as temporary police cadets of Robert Charles Kneale, Cecil Leslie Sheard Moore and Arthur Edward Qualtrough
332 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William James Quirk as temporary police cadet
333 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Leonard Condra as temporary police cadet
334 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as established constables of John Herbert Kelly, Jack MacDonald Colvin and George Turnbill
335 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Quayle as probationary constable
336 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Thomas Alfred Crennell as police cadet
337 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of James Hilary Curphy as an established constable
338 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Caleb Jones as an established constable
339 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of George William A. Kinrade as an established constable
340 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William H. Brown as an established constable
341 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John James Clague as an established constable
342 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Acting Sergeant F.G. Corris to be transferred from Laxey to Douglas and to revert to rank of constable; Constable F.W. Cowin to be transferred from Michael to Laxey and to be acting sergeant; Constable G.W.A. Kinrade transferred from Douglas to Michael
343 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: proposed appointment of Acting Sergeant T.A. Cringle as sergeant
344 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Albert Cretney as an established constable
345 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Robert Stephen Bannan as an established constable
346 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: promotions consequent on the retirement of Superintendent Gale
347 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as police cadets of William Arthur Corlett, John S. Costain, Derek W. Bateman and Alan Killip
348 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Godfrey Gale as a police cadet
349 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John William Quayle as an established constable
350 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Acting Sergeant John Samuel Corrin, Ramsey Division to be appointed full Sergeant and posted to Douglas; Acting Sergeant Frederick William Cowin, Laxey to be transferred to Ramsey, vice Corrin; Acting Sergeant G. Godfrey, Castletown, to be transferred to Laxey, vice Cowin; Constable Albert Edward Kelly, Port Erin station, to be appointed acting Sergeant, and posted to Castletown; Constable Edgar James Qualtrough, Douglas, to be transferred to Port Erin
351 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as established constables of John Robert Burden and Arthur Christian Underhill
352 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Inspector Alfred Kelly as Superintendent; Sergeant Thomas Arthur Cringle as Inspector; Acting Sergeant Jack Lace as Section Sergeant; Constable Arthur Proctor Cowin as Acting Sergeant
353 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Frank Charles Cannell and James Swindlehurst as established constables
354 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Thomas Albert Kinrade as an established constable
355 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of James Bramwell Callin as a temporary police cadet, probationary constable, established constable
356 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Robert Charles Corrin as an established constable
357 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: miscellaneous transfers of police
358 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: proposed promotion of Detective Constable T.E. Lowey to Acting Sergeant; Promoted to Sergeant.
359 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Acting Sergeant Frank Quayle to be Station Sergeant; Police Constable Edgar James Qualtrough to be Acting Sergeant; Police Constable Robert Douglas Quine from Port St Mary to Port Erin; Police Constable John Richard Gelling from Douglas to Port St Mary
360 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Albert Edmonds as a probationary constable - established
361 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Frank E. Gawne as an established constable
362 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as temporary police cadets of Geoffrey Watson and Thomas Archibald Corkhill
363 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Colin Ralph Kewley as a temporary cadet - probationary constable - established constable
364 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Quayle as an established constable
365 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of James Alan McLean as a probationary constable
366 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Robert Charles Kneale as a probationary constable
367 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Leonard Condra as a probationary constable
368 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Cecil Leslie Sheard Moore as a probationary constable
369 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Acting Sergeant F.W. Cowin to be Sergeant and transferred from Ramsey; Constable J.E. Kinrade to be Acting Sergeant and transferred from Douglas to Ballasalla; Constable E.J. Qualtrough transferred from Laxey to Ramsey; Constable W. Curphy transferred from Douglas to Ballasalla
370 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of constables attached to Douglas division - Robert Warner Radcliffe, Fred Trickett, Philip Edward Quayle, Alfred Richard Quirk
371 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Peter Moyer as an established constable
372 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Thomas Cook as a probationary constable - established
373 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of William Arthur Corkhill as a probationary constable
374 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Alfred Richard Quirk as an established constable
375 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: promotion of Acting Sergeant F. Faragher to Sergeant and Constable J.S. Quayle as Acting Sergeant
376 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointments as probationary constables, Kenneth Edward Brew, Leslie Mills, Derek Crebbin, Haydn Fitzsimmons, Hector McDonald Hugh Duff
377 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John William Cretney as a probationary constable
378 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Leonard Condra as an established constable
379 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Mr Harry E. Hollis as a probationary constable - established
380 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: police promotions, transfers and appointments: Detective Sergeant W.C. Gale, Detective Sergeant A.E. Kelly, Constable R.D. Quine, Sergeant F. Faragher Acting Sergeant A.L. Corteen, Constable W.H. Brown
381 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Victor Kelly as a probationary constable - established and resignation
382 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment as probationary constables of Robert Clifford Skillicorn and Arthur Malcolm Caine
383 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Inspectors W.C. Gale and F. Faragher as Inspector of Dangerous Goods, Inspector of Weights and Measures, Inspector under the Childrens Act 1910 and Process Survey in their divisions
384 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Alan Killip as a probationary constable - established
385 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Donald James Carroon as a probationary constable
386 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Derek Crebbin, Haydn Fitzsimmons and Leslie Mills as established constables
387 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Sidney Costain as a probationary constable, promoted to established constable
388 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Hector McDonald Hugh Duff as an established constable
389 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Frank Quayle as probationary constable - established
390 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: promotion of Acting Sergeant Arthur L. Corteen to Sergeant and Acting Sergeant Lowey to Sergeant
391 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Stanley Brew as a probationary constable - established
392 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Lawrence Corteen as a probationary constable, established
393 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Raymond Glithero as probationary constable - resignation
394 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Frederick Jennings as a probationary constable - resignation
395 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Kenneth Edward Brew as an established constable (probationary 25002/1/94)
396 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of John Malcolm Mughan as a probationary constable - resignation
397 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: transfer of Acting Sergeant A.P. Cowin from St Johns to take charge of Ronaldsway Airport; promotion of Constable W.E. Curphy to Acting Sergeant at St Johns; promotion and transfer of Acting Sergeant R.L. Cubbon to Sergeant in Douglas Division; also Sergeant in charge of HQ Office, vice Acting Sergeant Cubbon
398 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: promotion and transfers: Sergeant A.P. Cowin to be promoted Sergeant and transferred from Castletown to Douglas as Section Sergeant; Constable S. White to be promoted Acting Sergeant and transferred from Ramsey to Ronaldsway
399 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Acting Sergeant John Edward Kinrade to be promoted Sergeant and be transferred from Laxey to Douglas for duty as Section Sergeant; Constable Robert Kneen to be Acting Sergeant and to be transferred from Pulrose to Laxey, vice Sergeant John Edwards Kinrade
400 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of George Laurence Clucas as a probationary constable
401 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: Acting Sergeant R.D. Quine to be appointed Sergeant and transferred from Castletown to Douglas as Section Sergeant; Acting Sergeant W.E. Curphy to be transferred from St Johns (Peel division) to Castletown; Constable E.W. Craine to be Acting Sergeant and transferred from Peel to promoted St Johns (Peel division)
402 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointments of Mr F. Johnson as Clerk to Tynwald in the place of Mr R.G. Johnson resigned
403 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: resolution of House of Keys regarding the appointment of the Government Secretary
404 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: death of Dr C.S. Pantin, Surgeon to the Household of His Excellency. Appointment of Dr E. Vernon
405 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: retirement of Mr R.B. Moore Attorney General. Appointment of Mr S.J. Kneale OBE
406 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment - David Deighton Lay as assistant to the Attorney General
407 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of Mr E. Jeffrey Shimmin as Government Surveyor in succession to Mr J.H. Winterbottom
408 - Chief Secretary's Office: Appointments: appointment of W.P. Cowley as First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls and Mr Ramsey Johnson as Second Deemster [previous appointments 20002/30/1]
409 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: complaints regarding conduct of Mr J.H.L. Cowin, Advocate [from 2003/10]
410 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: withdrawal of licence from Mr J.H.L. Cowin
411 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr.J.H.L. Cowin, Member of the House of Keys, for re-admission to the Manx Bar
412 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: conduct of Mr J.H.L. Cowin with regard to the proposed purchase of the Groudle Glen and Hotel Company Limited by the Isle of Man Development Company Limited
413 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: copies of Judges summing up Rex v. Norman Price, transcript of trial, verbatim report, Law Society meetings of 30 June 1950 and 8 Nov 1950 [file incomplete]
414 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr K.C. Cowley to sit for preliminary examination, articled to Mr S.J. Kneale
415 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr Walter Carter to be articled to Mr Edwyn C. Kneen
416 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr E.C. Garside to sit for preliminary examination, articled to Mr R. Cowell
417 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr J.J. Christian articled to Mr G.D.W. Ashton
418 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Eric John Teare articled to Mr George E. Moore
419 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Robert Alfred Walker articled to Mr R.K. Eason
420 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Thomas Nigel Kneale articled to Mr S.W. Faragher
421 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Henry William Callow articled to Mr S.J. Kneale
422 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Peter William Stanley Farrant to be articled in the Rolls Office as a student for the Manx Bar
423 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: John Edward Quirk Cooil articled to Mr Robert Cowell
424 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Raymond Hague articled to Mr B.W. MacPherson
425 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr J.E.Q. Cooil to sit for preliminary examination, articled to Mr Robert Cowell
426 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Alfred Howard Simcocks articled to Henry Kelly, intermediate and final examination
427 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Walter Leslie Christian articled to Hanson, Ashton and Company
428 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Brian Gawne Cringle articled to J.A. Cain Esq MA. Exam and final examination
429 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Mr J.D.G. Kelly articled to Mr G.E. Moore
430 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Peter William Stanley Farrant articled to Mr B.W. Macpherson - final examination
431 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Major Bruce McPherson to sit for final examination for admission to the Manx Bar
432 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Stanley Allen to sit for intermediate examination
433 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Frank B. Johnson to sit for final examination
434 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr E.D. Kneale to sit for final examination
435 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr J.K. Green to sit final examination
436 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr J.W.W. Hyde to sit for intermediate examination
437 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Arthur C. Luft to sit for intermediate exam
438 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Stanley Allen to sit for final examination
439 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Edwyn Garside to sit for intermediate examination
440 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr J.W.W. Hyde to sit for final examination
441 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr A.C. Luft to sit for final examination
442 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Eric J. Teare to sit for intermediate examination
443 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Raymond Hague to sit for intermediate examination, final examination
444 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Henry William Callow to sit for intermediate examination, final examination
445 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr E.C. Garside to sit for final Bar examination and admission to the Manx Bar
446 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Eric J. Teare to sit for final examination
447 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr John J. Christian to sit intermediate examination, final examination, reduction of articles
448 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr K.C. Cowley to sit intermediate examinations
449 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Major Bruce MacPherson for admission to the Manx Bar
450 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Eric D. Kneale for admission to the Manx Bar
451 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Frank Johnson for admission to the Manx Bar
452 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr J.K. Green for admission to the Manx Bar
453 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr J.W. Hyde for admission to the Manx Bar
454 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Arthur C. Luft for admission to the Manx Bar
455 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: application of Mr Eric J. Teare for admission to the Manx Bar
456 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: correspondence regarding allegations made against Mr E.W. Fargher, Advocate by Mr R.B. Moore [from 23321/4/2]
457 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: The Attorneys (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1943. Application for Advocates' Chief Clerks to be given certain powers to act in the absence of the Advocates
458 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: Administration of the Attorneys (Emergency Provisions) Act 1943
459 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: position of Members of the Bar who are Members of the Legislature in relation to legislature proceedings
460 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: complaint by Kelly Trustees regarding the conduct of Mr E.W. Fargher (Advocate)
461 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: admission of Deputy Town Clerk to the Manx bar
462 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: reduction of period of Articles
463 - Chief Secretary's Office: Advocates: complaint against Dickinson Cruickshank regarding the delay in winding up the estate of Joshua Burrows
464 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: licencing of Ronaldsway Aerodrome [from 20004/7]
465 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: licencing of the Hall Caine Airport [from20004/7/3]
466 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: copies of aerodrome licences
467 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: The Air Navigation Bill 1930 [from 20004/10]
468 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air navigation: The Air Navigation Act (extension to the Isle of Man) Order 1937 and The Air Navigation (Isle of Man) Amendment Order 1937
469 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: The Air Navigation (Third Party Risks) Regulations 1937
470 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: The Air Navigation (Licencing of Public Transport) Order 1938
471 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: accidents to aircraft [from 20004/9]
472 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: accidents to aircraft
473 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Aircraft Distress Organisation [from 20004/9/1]
474 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aircraft: damage caused through aircraft accidents
475 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aircraft: complaints received regarding low flying aircraft
476 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: damage caused 'Hokang' Pinfold Hill, Laxey by an aircraft accident
477 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Isle of Man Air Races 1947
478 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: inauguration of air service between Dublin and Isle of Man airports
479 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: authority issued by the Secretary of State for Air delegating powers under the Air Navigation Orders to the Lieutenant Governor [from 10023/1]
480 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: authorisation of officers at Ronaldsway Airport to inspect documents and detain aircraft under the Air Navigation Acts
481 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: suspension of services to and from the Hall Caine Airport
482 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: inspection for customs purposes of aircraft using the Hall Caine Airport
483 - Chief Secretary's Office: Navigation: proposed visual reporting procedure for aircraft unequipped with radio
484 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: night lighting arrangements at aerodrome
485 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: publications of particulars of licenced aerodromes
486 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: proposed formation of Civil Air Guard
487 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: complaints regarding conduct of air pilots etc - Ronaldsway
488 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: the principles governing the planning and zoning of land for aerodromes
489 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: proposed amendment of the Air Navigation (Consolidation) Order 1923
490 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: emergency orders dealing with aircraft
491 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: authorised low flying routes
492 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Air Navigation Act 1947; Ministry of Civil Aviation Act 1945
493 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: air travel between the Isle of Man and Great Britain
494 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Air Transport Bill; Civil Aviation Bill
495 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Civil Aviation Act 1946 [Isle of Man/Eire Air Service 25004/24/1]
496 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: Civil Aviation Act 1946
497 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: scheduled air services between the Isle of Man and Eire
498 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: scheduled air services between the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland (Belfast)
499 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: provision of staff at Ronaldsway Airport
500 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: passenger accommodation at Ronaldsway Airport
501 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: control of double decker buses on roads adjoining the airport runway
502 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: copies of correspondence between Mr Griffiths, Airport Control Officer and Tynwald Committee on Ronaldsway Airport
503 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: supply of petrol to Ronaldsway Airport
504 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: Isle of Man Airports Bill 1948
505 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: photocopies of correspondence regarding Ronaldsway
506 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: Isle of Man Airports Committee
507 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: accommodation for Customs and Excise and Immigration at Ronaldsway
508 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: landing fees at Ronaldsway Airport
509 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: Sub-Post Office at Ronaldsway Airport
510 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: tour of airports by Airports Committee
511 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: permanent closing of the Balthane Road by an order under section 12 Isle of Man Airports Act 1948
512 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: development of Ronaldsway Airport
513 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: licensed catering facilities at Ronaldsway Airport
514 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: suggested helicopter service between north and south of the Isle of Man
515 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: handling arrangements of passengers baggage at Ronaldsway Airport
516 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: cost to the Imperial Government of air stations in the Isle of Man
517 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: suggested airport in the north of the Island
518 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: control and clearance of persons and articles entering and leaving the UK
519 - Chief Secretary's Office: Air travel: The Air Navigation Bill 1924; Act 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
520 - Chief Secretary's Office: Airport: insurances to be effected by Insular Government in respect of Ronaldsway Airport
521 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: Isle of Man - Carlisle services by Manx Air Charters Limited
522 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: provision of radio beacons in the Isle of Man
523 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: civil aviation
524 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: provision of a nominal roll of passengers by air charter
525 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft
526 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: centralisation of air services to and from the Isle of Man at Ronaldsway
527 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aviation: agreement between the United Kingdom and the French Government for certain air services
528 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Dead Meat (Import Regulation) Order [from 20027/12]
529 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Dead Meat (Import Regulation) Orders
530 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Importation and Exportation of Dead Meat Order made by His Excellency prescribing: 1. form of application for licences; 2. conditions and restrictions attaching to licences
531 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: importation of carcass meat from Eire
532 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: proposed regulation of the importation of mutton and lamb into the United Kingdom
533 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Imported Cattle (Restriction on use) Order issued by the Ministry of Agriculture
534 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: proposed issue by His Excellency of Order regulating the importation of liquid milk The Milk and Cream (Importation) Regulation Order 1936 [from 20027/9/1]
535 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Milk and Cream (Importation) Regulation Order 1936, protest regarding inclusion of cream
536 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: free entry of milk and cream into the Isle of Man during the summer months; The Milk and Cream (Importation) Regulation Amendment Order 1936 [from 20027/9]
537 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: exportation of surplus milk to England [from 20027]
538 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: application by the Agricultural Marketing Society for Government contribution towards milk publicity
539 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Milk Marketing Scheme 1934 Amendment Order 1937
540 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Milk Marketing Scheme 1934 Amendment Order 1938
541 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Sale of Ice Cream Bill 1939
542 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Milk Industry Bill 1938
543 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: cheap milk scheme
544 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: supply of milk to schoolchildren
545 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Milk (Use of Churns) Order 1941
546 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: utilisation of whey
547 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Sale of Ice-Cream Regulations Act
548 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: proposed issue of ice-cream in place of milk to schoolchildren
549 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: report of the Commission appointed by His Excellency regarding grading of fat cows and bulls
550 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: applications for authorisation of slaughterhouses under The Fat Cattle (Regulation of Sale) Order 1939; Fat Sheep and Lambs (Regulation of Sale) [from 2102/11]
551 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Seeds Amendment Bill 1939
552 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1944
553 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: inspection and certification of seed potatoes; Seed Potatoes Order 1948; Seed Potatoes No. 2 Order 1948
554 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: eggs and poultry marketing scheme
555 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Advisory Committee
556 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Advisory Committee
557 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: secretaryship of the Advisory Committee
558 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: scheme for regulating the marketing of horticultural produce
559 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Agricultural Marketing Bill 1949 and 1950
560 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Importation and Exportation of Animals (Amendment) Regulations 1938
561 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Rabbits (Prohibition of Export) Order 1944
562 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: suggested loan of £6,000 free of interest to the Fat Stock Marketing Association
563 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: English Orders regarding livestock
564 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Agricultural Marketing (Bill) 1949
565 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Agricultural Marketing Bill 1949
566 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: Eggs and Poultry Marketing Scheme (1949) (1954 Scheme A1014/15)
567 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Marketing Act: The Public Enquiry Regulations 1950 made by the Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries under the Agricultural Marketing Act 1934
568 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural (Import and Export of Stock) Act: Advisory Committee [from 20026]
569 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural (Import and Export of Stock) Act: The Agricultural (Importation and Exportation of Stock) Bill 1936
570 - Chief Secretary's Office: Accidents: 'Safety First' for children
571 - Chief Secretary's Office: Accidents: accidents at Pulrose Power Station
572 - Chief Secretary's Office: Accidents: accidents received from electric current
573 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory purchase of property by the Douglas Corporation. Appointment of arbitrators [from 20022/1]
574 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory purchase of property by the Highway Board. Appointment of arbitrators
575 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: suggested amendment of memo for the guidance of official arbitrators under the Act
576 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory purchase of property by the Isle of Man Education Authority - appointment of arbitrators
577 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land for the Jurby Aerodrome
578 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land and effects for the Air Ministry
579 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land and effects for the Air Ministry
580 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land and effects for the Air Ministry
581 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land and effects for the Air Ministry
582 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land and effects for the Air Ministry
583 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Coastguard Station, Knockaloe Beg, Patrick
584 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: particulars of property and land purchased under the Public Authorities Acquisition of Land Acts
585 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of land: scheme suggested by the Manx Labour Party for the acquisition of land for public and private purposes
586 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: proposed amendment of the Public Authorities Acquisition of Land Act 1923
587 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land by the Port Erin Commissioners - appointment of arbitrator
588 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: acquisition of land at pre-war value
589 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: 1. fees payable to arbitrators; 2. rate of interest payable on outstanding accounts [from 20022/4]
590 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Requisitioned Land and War Works Bill 1944
591 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: The Public Authorities (Acquisition of Land) Compensation Bill 1945
592 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: regulations made under the Public Authorities Acquisition of Land (Compensation) Act 1945.
593 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: purchase of land by the Onchan Village Commissioners for the purpose of laying out recreation grounds and erecting houses for aged couples and spinsters
594 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: appointment of arbitrator for The Bishop Barrows' Charity
595 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) Bill 1946.
596 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land by the Local Government Authority
597 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land by the Onchan Village Commissioners - appointment of Arbitrators
598 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land by Government Property Trustees - appointment of arbitrator
599 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: arbitrations under the Public Authorities (Acquisition of Land) Act
600 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Public Authorities Acquisition of Land (Compensation) Bill 1948
601 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: acquisition of the works and pipelines of the Ramsey Water Works by Isle of Man Water Board - appointment of arbitrator
602 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Lands Tribunal Bill and Act 1949 (Imperial Parliament) [to c1214/48]
603 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: question of the resale of land compulsory acquired by the Onchan Commissioners
604 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: Onchan Village District Park and Ballachrink Estate Bill 1950
605 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acquisition of Lands Acts: compulsory acquisition of land by the Douglas Corporation Property of the Douglas Holiday Camp Limited
606 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposed Fat Cattle subsidy [from 40009/14]
607 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: minutes of departmental enquiry regarding assistance for the agricultural industry and in particular the production of beef
608 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Livestock Industry Bill
609 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: preparation of Fat Cattle Subsidy Scheme
610 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: administration of Cattle Subsidy Scheme 1938
611 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Mr Cottier to ask His Excellency question in Tynwald regarding prices of milk and potatoes in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man
612 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Mr Cottier to ask His Excellency in Tynwald question regarding prices of beef and Fat Cattle in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man
613 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: financing of Knockaloe Experimental Farm
614 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Agricultural Bill 1937
615 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: minutes by His Excellency regarding agriculture
616 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: appointment of Commission to report on assistance for agriculture generally throughout the Island
617 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: report of the Agricultural Committee
618 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Committee of Tynwald to report on Isle of Man Marketing Act and the Association formed thereunder
619 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: effect on the Isle of Man of restrictions imposed on the landing of livestock in Great Britain
620 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Bacon Industry (Imported Pigs) Regulations, 1939 made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Secretary of State for Scotland
621 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: livestock export county scheme
622 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Development Bill - proposed marking of sheep imported into the Isle of Man
623 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: acquisition of land to be used as allotments
624 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Livestock (Import from Eire and the Isle of Man) Regulations, 1940 made under The Agricultural (Miscellaneous War Provisions) Act 1940
625 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: rotation of agricultural crops - The Agricultural Land (Cultivation) Directions Order 1940
626 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: provision of additional staff for the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in connection with the Agricultural Price Fixing Scheme
627 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: resignation of Miss N.M. Cowley
628 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: suggested order to compel farmers to cultivate the maximum acreage of land
629 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Defence Regulations (Agricultural Tillage) Orders 1943
630 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Defence Regulations (Agricultural Tillage) Order 1943; Defence Regulations (Potato Cultivation) Order 1944; Appeal tribunal
631 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: agricultural wages (regulation) conditions of farm labourers [from 15028]
632 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: regulations made by the Board of Agriculture under the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act 1944
633 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Acts
634 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposal to appoint an inspector under the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Acts
635 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Bill 1945
636 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Orders made under the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act 1942
637 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Bill 1946
638 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Wages Bill 1948
639 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Manx oatmeal
640 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposed potato subsidy scheme
641 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: use of a vermifuge on fattening lambs
642 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposed wheat subsidy
643 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: agricultural labour, see 29581/18
644 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: subsidy on fat sheep and lambs
645 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: subsidy on mixed crops
646 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: artificial insemination of cows
647 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: artificial insemination of animals
648 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: hop growing in the Isle of Man from [23421/13]
649 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Defence Regulations (Potato Cultivation) Order 1944
650 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: post-war agricultural policy for Great Britain
651 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Board of Agriculture request powers to direct 1. proper cultivation of crops; 2. use of agricultural machinery
652 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposed revision of agricultural prices to meet increased cost of production
653 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: post-war agricultural policy (small holdings)
654 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: payment of subsidies on Fat Cattle etc through the Isle of Man Fat Stock Marketing Association
655 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: schemes prepared under Hill Farming Act 1946
656 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Marketing Bill 1947, inquiry by a Commission into matters appertaining to agriculture
657 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Marketing Bill 1948
658 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural price listing, costing scheme for the Isle of Man
659 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: execution of an All-Island Creamery
660 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: visit of Mr Tom Williams, Minister of Agriculture
661 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: suggested branch of the National Farmers Union in the Isle of Man
662 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Bill 1946
663 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: proposed reconstruction of the Boards of Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry as separate Boards
664 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: case of Mr W. Rosenwald - farming activities in Isle of Man
665 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: payment by Board of Agriculture of men engaged in afforestation
666 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: importation of milling wheat
667 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: compensation to farmers for losses sustained due to severe weather conditions
668 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: compensation to farmers for losses sustained due to severe weather conditions
669 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Milk and Dairies Bill 1947-1950 to consolidate and amend Local Grant (Milk and Dairies) Acts 1934 - 1945, transferring the functions to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
670 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: use of sewage sludge in agriculture
671 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: The Pork Subsidy scheme
672 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Agricultural Holdings Bill Act 1948
673 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: national agricultural policy
674 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: National Federation of Womens Institutes - application for a grant of £200 from the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
675 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: Experimental Farm at Knockaloe
676 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: sale of Manx farms to English owners
677 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agriculture: future agricultural policy and increased agricultural output
678 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments (Budget): certificates as to stocks held by Isle of Man Government for audit purposes
679 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: subsistence allowances to unpaid workers
680 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: subsistence travelling etc allowances for civil defence workers
681 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: subsistence - travelling etc allowances for members of the Loyal Manx Association (from 25010/2)
682 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: provision of refreshments for the Auxiliary Fire Services
683 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: travelling and subsistence allowances for Mr T.A. Crebbin, member of the Agricultural Advisory Committee
684 - Chief Secretary's Office: Allowances, subsistence etc: air travel by members of Boards of Tynwald and Chief Secretary's Officers
685 - Chief Secretary's Office: Arrests: Chancery Arrests The Actions of Arrest Bill 1937
686 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: general correspondence regarding the submission of Acts for Royal Assent
687 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Jurisdiction Amendment Act 1935
688 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Advertising Rate Act 1936 (from 20014/101)
689 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Town and Country Planning Amendment Act 1936
690 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Holdings Act 1936
691 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trades Disputes Act 1936
692 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trades Disputes (Regulation) Act 1936
693 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Emergency Powers Act 1936
694 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Children Amendment Act 1936
695 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Port St Mary Estate Act 1936
696 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Slaughter of Animals Act 1936
697 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Law Reform (Married Women and Tortfeasors) Act 1936
698 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rent (Restrictions) Act 1936
699 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Stamps Management Act 1936 (from 20014/102)
700 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Factories and Workshops Amendment Act 1936 (from 20014/98)
701 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent:The School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1936 (from 20014/120)
702 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Act 1936
703 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Housing Act 1936
704 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishop Barrows' Charity Act 1936
705 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Education (Peel Clothworkers School) Act 1936
706 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Act 1936
707 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1936
708 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing (Registration of Clubs) Act 1936
709 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Water Supply (Amendment) Act 1936
710 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing (Onchan) Act 1936
711 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Onchan Village District (Differential Rating) Act 1936
712 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Extension of Boundaries Act 1937
713 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Amendment (Omnibuses) Act 1936
714 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Actions of Arrest Act 1937
715 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Insurance and Contributory Pensions Act
716 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens Compensation Act
717 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Amendment Act 1937
718 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Filing of Statutory Documents Act 1937
719 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Judicature Amendment Act 1937
720 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trustee Act 1937
721 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act
722 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Cattle Diseases (Prevention) Act 1937
723 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Ecclesiastical Residences and Dilapidations Act 1937
724 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Blind Persons Welfare Act
725 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Manx Technical College for Girls Transfer Act 1937
726 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Church Act 1937
727 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Removal of Refuse) Act 1937
728 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Gibson Divorce Act 1937
729 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Leonard Divorce Act 1937
730 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Insurance Act 1937
731 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Maynard Divorce Act 1937
732 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Superannuation Act 1938
733 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Water Companies Regulation Amendment Act 1938
734 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens Compensation Act 1938
735 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Act 1938
736 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Water (Supply) Amendment Act 1938
737 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trustee Act 1938
738 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Act 1938
739 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trustee Amendment (No 2) Bill
740 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Insurance (Juvenile Contributors and Young Persons) Act 1938
741 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1938
742 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Open Spaces) Act 1938
743 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Infanticide and Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1938
744 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Widow, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions (Voluntary Contributions) Bill
745 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Rates and Improvements Fund Amendments Act 1938
746 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Education Act 1938
747 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1938
748 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Cattle Breeding Amendment Act 1938
749 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Horse Breeding Amendment Act 1938
750 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Library Bill 1938
751 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Jurisdicture (Matrimonial Causes) Act 1938
752 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Jurisdicture (Reports of Judicial Proceedings) Act 1938
753 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rates Acts 1938
754 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Squares Act 1938
755 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Church Act 1938
756 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1938
757 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Rent (Restrictions) Act 1938
758 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (No3) Act 1938
759 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Payment of Members' Expenses Amendment Act 1938
760 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Ancient Monuments Preservation Acts 1938
761 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (No4) Act 1938
762 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Appropriation) Act 1938
763 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Government Property Trustees Act 1938
764 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Burials Amendment Act 1938
765 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Defence Property Regulation Act 1938
766 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Grammar School Amendment Act 1938
767 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Evidence Act 1938
768 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Merchandise Marks Act 1939
769 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1939
770 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Population (Statistics) Act 1938
771 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Gaming, Betting and Lotteries Act 1938.
772 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Amendment Act 1939.
773 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment (No 2) Act 1939
774 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment (Seating of Motor Vehicles) Act 1939
775 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Poor Relief Amendment Act
776 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Patrick Parish Church Act
777 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Ramsey Town Commissioners (Borrowing Powers) Act 1939
778 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Factories and Workshops Amendment Act 1939
779 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Sale of Ice-Cream Act 1939 [to 1802/1]
780 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Acts 1939
781 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Fishery (Herring Industry) Act
782 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Health Insurance and Pensions (Constitution of Board) Act 1939
783 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Old Age Pensions Act 1939
784 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Seeds Amendment Act 1939
785 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (no 2) Act 1939
786 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Shops (Sunday Trading Restriction) Act 1939
787 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Charitable Collections (Regulations) Act 1939
788 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway (Unadopted Roads) Act 1939
789 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Widows' Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act 1939
790 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Service Act
791 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Inheritance (Family Provisions) Act 1939
792 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Land Drainage Amendment Act 1939
793 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Sur-Tax and Appropriation) Act 1939
794 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Heath Burning Act 1939
795 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys and Pubic Authorities Elections Act 1939
796 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Fires) Act 1940
797 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Hire Purchase Act 1939
798 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Personal Enquiries (Emergency Provisions) Act 1939
799 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Administration of Justice (Emergency Provisions) Act 1939
800 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The School Teachers Superannuation (War Service) Act 1939
801 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys (Removal of Disqualification) Act 1939
802 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Water (Supply) Amendment Act 1940
803 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Execution of Trusts (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940
804 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Public Authorities Staffs (War Service) Act 1940
805 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing (Registration of Clubs) Amendment Act 1939
806 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Amendment Act 1940
807 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions Act 1940
808 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Liability for War Damage (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1939
809 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Lateral Health Insurance and Contributory Pensions (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940
810 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Public Authorities (Estimates) Act 1940
811 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Amendment Act 1940
812 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Emergency (Relief of Rates) Act 1940
813 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War (Local Conditions) Act 1940
814 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Horse Breeding Act 1940
815 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Sale of Food (Weights and Measures) Act 1940
816 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Old Age and Widows' Pensions Act 1940
817 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Jury (Amendment) Act 1940
818 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Motor Duties (Temporary Provisions) Act 1940
819 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Letting Agreements (Revision) Act 1940
820 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (War Emergency) Act 1940 and Bill [27442/18]
821 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Prevention of Damage by Rabbits Act 1940
822 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens' Compensation (Supplementary Allowances) Act 1940
823 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Purchase Tax Act 1940
824 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing (War Emergency Fees) Act 1940
825 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Sur-Tax) (Prevention of Evasion) Act 1940
826 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway (Unadopted Roads) Amendment Act 1941
827 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Education (Emergency Provisions) Act 1941
828 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Superannuation Schemes (War Service) Act 1941
829 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Charities Act 1941
830 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Land Drainage Amendment Act 1941
831 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agriculture (Miscellaneous War Provisions) Act 1941
832 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Amendment Act 1941
833 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Act 1941
834 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Supplementary Pensions (Determination of Needs) Act 1941
835 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Income Tax Surtax and Appropriation) Act 1941
836 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Weights and Measures (Sale of Coal) Act 1941
837 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Old Age and Widows' Pensions (Blind Persons) Amendment Act 1941
838 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rent of Furnished Premises (Restrictions) Act 1942
839 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Amendments Act 1941
840 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Insurance Contributory Pensions and Workmens' Compensation Act 1942
841 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Damage Act 1941
842 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act 1942
843 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1942
844 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Purchase Tax Amendment Act 1942
845 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Amendment Act (no 2) 1942
846 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Churchyard Burial Ground and Cemetery (Railways Removal) Act 1942
847 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway (Duties) Act 1942
848 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Landlord and Tenant (Requisitioned Land) Act 1942
849 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Cancer Act 1942
850 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Landlord and Tenant (War Damage) Act 1942
851 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Liabilities (War Time Adjustment) Act 1942
852 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Blind Persons Act 1942
853 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) Act 1942
854 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Amendment Act 1942
855 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act 1942
856 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Marriage (Members of His Majesty's Forces) Act 1942
857 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Amendments Act 1942
858 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Appropriation Act 1943
859 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Justices Amendment Act 1943
860 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Attorneys' (Emergency Provisions) Act 1943
861 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Vaccination Amendment Act 1943
862 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Service (Isle of Man) Act 1943
863 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Tree Planting Act 1943
864 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1943
865 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Act 1943
866 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Appropriation (no 2) Act 1943
867 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Pensions (Meritorious Service) Act 1943
868 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Damage (Amendment) Act 1943
869 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Milk and Dairies) Amendment Act 1944
870 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Pensions and Determination of Needs Act 1944
871 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1944
872 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1944
873 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Old Age and Supplementary Pensions Act 1944
874 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens Compensation Act 1944
875 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens' Compensation (Temporary Increases) Act 1944
876 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing (War Emergency Fees) Repeal Act 1944
877 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Port Erin Biological Station and Fish Hatchery Act 1944
878 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election Act 1944
879 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Education (Young Peoples) Welfare Act 1944
880 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Purchase Tax Amendment Act 1944
881 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Cattle Diseases (Prevention) Act 1945
882 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Amendment) Act 1945
883 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Gaming, Betting and Lotteries Act 1945
884 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government ( Milk and Dairies) Amendment Act 1945
885 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Ramsey Swing Bridge Transfer Act 1945
886 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Appropriation) Act 1945
887 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Intoxicating Liquor (Sale to Persons under Eighteen) Act 1945
888 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election (Votes of Members of His Majesty's Forces and the Merchant Navy) Act 1945
889 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Validation of War-Time Leases Act 1945
890 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Pensions (Increase) Act 1945
891 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Industry Act 1945
892 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Amendment Act 1945
893 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Cruelty to Animals Act 1945
894 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Oaths and Registration of Deeds (Captioning) Act 1945
895 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Act 1945
896 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Landlord and Tenant Act 1945
897 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Insurance (Disabled Persons) Supplementary Benefit Act 1945
898 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Statute of Limitations Act 1945
899 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Derby Square Act 1945
900 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Public Authorities Acquisition of Land (Compensation) Act 1945
901 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Act 1945
902 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) Act 1946 and Bill (27973/3)
903 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Rates and Improvements Fund Amendment Act 1945
904 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment (Seating of Motor Vehicles) Act 1946
905 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The War Damage Amendment Act 1946
906 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Act 1946
907 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1946
908 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The House of Keys Election (Table of Fees) Act 1946
909 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Amendment Act 1946
910 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Workmens' Compensation (Pneumoconiosis) Act 1946
911 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Mental Diseases Amendment Act 1946
912 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Intoxicating Liquor (Sale to Persons under Eighteen) Act 1946
913 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Family Allowances (Isle of Man) Act 1946
914 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1946
915 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) (no 2) Act 1946
916 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Larceny Act 1946
917 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Amendment Act 1946
918 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Constitution Act 1946
919 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Tithe Act 1946
920 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction Act 1946
921 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Highway and Transport Board Act 1946
922 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Purchase Tax Act 1946
923 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Board of Education Act 1946
924 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Old Age, Widows' and Orphans Pensions Act 1946
925 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Local Government Board Act 1946
926 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Board of Social Services Act 1946
927 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Act 1946
928 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Criminal Evidence Act 1946 [Bill 27544/4]
929 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Act 1946
930 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Port Erin Biological Station and Fish Hatchery Act 1947
931 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Registration of Deeds Act 1947
932 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Dangerous Drugs Act 1946
933 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Married Persons Protection Act 1947
934 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Manx Museum Library and Art Gallery Act 1947
935 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Compensation (Officers of Boards) Act 1947
936 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bishop Barrows' Charity Act 1947
937 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Shipping Casualties Act 1947
938 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Merchant Shipping Act 1947
939 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1947
940 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1947
941 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Constables Fees and Witnesses' Allowances Act 1947
942 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Firearms Act 1947
943 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Nurses and Midwives Act 1947
944 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Act 1947
945 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Emergency Laws (Revision) Act 1947
946 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Act 1947
947 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Bank Holidays Act 1947
948 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Industrial and Building Societies Act 1948
949 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Act 1947
950 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Registration of Voters and Election by Ballet) Act 1947
951 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Act 1947
952 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Pensions (Increase) Act 1947
953 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rural Housing Act 1947
954 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Children and Young Persons Act 1947 [Bill 25450/16]
955 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act 1947
956 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Church Act 1948
957 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Administration of Justice Act 1948
958 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Gaming, Betting and Lotteries Act 1948
959 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act 1948
960 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Poor Relief Act 1948
961 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax (Appropriation) Act 1948
962 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rating and Valuation Act 1948
963 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Public Authorities Staffs (War Service) Act 1948
964 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Harbours Act 1948
965 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Penicillin Act 1948
966 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Mental Diseases Act 1948
967 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Fishery Act 1948
968 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Act 1948
969 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Aliens Restriction Act 1948
970 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Purchase Tax Act 1948
971 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Diseases of Animals (Prevention) Act 1948 [Bill 25441/34]
972 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Furnished Houses (Rent Control) Act 1948
973 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Health Services Board Act 1948
974 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Rent Restrictions Act 1948
975 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: National Insurance (Isle of Man) Act 1948
976 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Statutory Time Act 1948
977 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Trustee Act 1948
978 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Airports Act 1948
979 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Highway Amendment Act 1948
980 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Isle of Man Board of Social Services Act 1948 [constitution of Board 29152/5/2]
981 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Social Services Act 1948
982 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Marketing Act 1948
983 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Exportation of Horses Act 1948
984 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Medical Act 1948
985 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Agricultural Marketing (no 2) Act 1948
986 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Act 1949
987 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Act 1948
988 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1949
989 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rates Act 1948
990 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Isle of Man Residential Homes Association Act 1948
991 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Attempted Rape Act 1948
992 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Government Property Trustees Act 1948
993 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Interpretation Act 1949
994 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Health Services (Isle of Man) Act 1948
995 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Public Authorities Acquisition of Land (Compensation) Act 1948
996 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1949
997 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Queens Garden Act 1949
998 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Development of Industry Act 1949
999 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Radioactive Substances Act 1949
1000 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Isle of Man) Act 1949
1001 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Education Act 1949
1002 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: British Nationality (Fees) Act 1949
1003 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Purchase Tax Act 1949
1004 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Licensing Consolidation Act 1949
1005 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Tithe Act 1949
1006 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Improvement of Livestock Act 1949
1007 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Income Tax Act 1949 [Bill 27442/43]
1008 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Douglas [Corporation], (Braddan and Onchan Drainage) Act 1949
1009 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1949
1010 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Administration of Justice Act 1949
1011 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Income Tax Appropriation Act 1949
1012 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rural Housing Act 1949
1013 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Burials Act 1949
1014 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Forestry, Mines and Lands Act 1949 [1950]
1015 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Parking Places) Act 1949
1016 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Road Traffic Act 1949
1017 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Omnibus) Act 1950
1018 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Entertainments) Act 1950
1019 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The National Insurance (Isle of Man) Act 1950
1020 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The School Teachers (Superannuation) Act 19501950
1021 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Weights and Measures (Sale of Coal) Act 1950
1022 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Consular Conventions (Isle of Man) Act 1950
1023 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Fire Escapes Act 1950
1024 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Douglas Crescent (Amendment) Act 1950
1025 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Mines and Quarries Regulation Act 1950 [Bill 27969/4] [171572/21]
1026 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Building Byelaws) Act 1950 [Bill 27743/34] [929050/1]
1027 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Fire Services) Act 1950 [Bill 26563/6]
1028 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Agricultural Marketing Act 1950 [Bill 25005/10/2
1029 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Gaming, Betting and Lotteries Act 1950 [Bill 27752/9][515437/20]
1030 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government (Drivers' and Conductors' Licences Act 1950
1031 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Milk and Dairies Act 1950 [Bill 25009/66][513396/15]
1032 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Superannuation (Reciprocity) Act 1950
1033 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Onchan Village District Park and Ballachrink Estate Act 1950 [Bill 25008/26/1]
1034 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Public Service (Staffs) Act 1950
1035 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Rent Restrictions Act 1950 [Bill 27758/3]
1036 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: National Health Service (Isle of Man) Act 1950 [Bill 26885/33/3]
1037 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Married Women (Restraint upon Anticipation) Act 1950 [Bill 28336/2]
1038 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: The Local Government Act 1950 [Bill 27743/38]
1039 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts for Royal Assent: Tenancy of Business Premises Act 1950
1040 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: application for permission for refugee Austrian doctors to practice in the Isle of Man
1041 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: Doctor and Mrs Horowitz and Doctor and Mrs Rose
1042 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: proposed amendment of the Aliens Restrictions Acts [Aliens Restriction Bill 1948]
1043 - Chief Secretary's Office: Aliens Restrictions Act: Control of Aliens in the Isle of Man Regulations [The Aliens Regulations 1949]
1044 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Holdings Act: form of award to be made by rent courts
1045 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Holdings Act: farm rents
1046 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Holdings Act: proposed amendment of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1936
1047 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Holdings Act: The Agricultural Holdings Bill 1950 (installation of water and electricity supplies)
1048 - Chief Secretary's Office: Assessment Board: Isle of Man Employers Federation suggest that all valuations of house property be carried out by one valuer
1049 - Chief Secretary's Office: Apprenticeship schemes: Apprenticeship Commission
1050 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Rates Acts: application of the Agricultural Improvement Fund [for the provision of bull houses]
1051 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Rates Acts: The Agricultural Improvements Funds (Installation of Electricity) Regulations 1944
1052 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Rates Acts: The Agricultural Rates and Improvements Fund Amendment - Amendment Bill 1945
1053 - Chief Secretary's Office: Agricultural Rates Acts: loans under the Agricultural Improvements Fund [The Agricultural Rates and Fund Amendment Bill 1938]
1054 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: Attorney General to submit statements to Tynwald showing differences between UK and Isle of Man Legislation
1055 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: drafting of Legislative Instruments
1056 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: correspondence with the Isle of Man Law Society regarding Acts and Bills
1057 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: Indian Independence Act 1947
1058 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: Burma Independence Bill 1947 and Act 1947
1059 - Chief Secretary's Office: Acts and Bills: drafting of Government Consolidation Bills
1060 - Chief Secretary's Office: Amenities: The Access to Mountains Bill 1944
1061 - Chief Secretary's Office: Amenities: damage caused by smoke and fumes from Pulrose Power Station
1062 - Chief Secretary's Office: Adulteration Acts: food adulteration
1063 - Chief Secretary's Office: Adulteration Acts: Adulteration Bill 1946 [see file 26561/7] [see 71524/1]
1064 - Chief Secretary's Office: Attorney General: appointment of Mr Joseph Albert Woods, Senior Clerk, HM Attorney General's Office
1065 - Chief Secretary's Office: Architects: registration of architects; Architects Bill 1949
1066 - Chief Secretary's Office: Broadcasting: broadcasting from the Isle of Man
1067 - Chief Secretary's Office: Broadcasting: broadcasting talks on the Isle of Man by John Betjeman
1068 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial Acts: The Burials Amendment Bill [from 20222/1]
1069 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial Acts: The Burials Amendment Bill 1947
1070 - Chief Secretary's Office: Banks: legal tender in the Isle of Man [from 20223/12]
1071 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade: proposed international agreement for the unification of buoyage and lighting of coasts
1072 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Trade: The Board of Trade (Seizure of Goods) Order 1942
1073 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: provision for blind persons in the Isle of Man [from 20235/1]
1074 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: provision for blind persons in the Isle of Man
1075 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: The Blind Persons Bill 1937
1076 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: proposed legislation making blind persons eligible for supplementary pensions [The Old Age and Widows Pension (Blind Persons) Amendment Bill]
1077 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: The Blind Persons Bill 1943
1078 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: regulations and schemes under the Blind Persons Act 1942
1079 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: reports of the Health Insurance and Pensions Board under the Blind Persons Act 1942
1080 - Chief Secretary's Office: Blind Persons: The Blind Persons (Determination of Needs) Regulations 1948
1081 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: funeral of King George V, issue by His Excellency of proclamation declaring the 28 Jan 1936 a bank holiday
1082 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: coronation of King Edward Vlll, issue of proclamation declaring the 12 May 1937 a bank holiday
1083 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: bank holidays in the Isle of Man
1084 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: bank holiday on the cessation of hostilities
1085 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: Victory Holiday 8 Jun 1946
1086 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bank Holidays Act: The Bank Holidays Bill 1947
1087 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: reservation of right of burial in Bride old burial ground [from 20227/5]
1088 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: reservation of right of burial in Onchan burial ground [from 20224/2]
1089 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: Arbory burial grounds [from 20227/1]
1090 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: Kirk Christ churchyard, Rushen
1091 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: inspection of burial grounds
1092 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: applications for permission for burials in the closed part of Lezayre churchyard [from 20227/6]
1093 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: records of urns containing the ashes of deceased persons in graves in the Borough Cemetery
1094 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: closing of portion of Andreas burial ground
1095 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: reservation of right of burial in Andreas burial ground
1096 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: reservation of right of burial in Ballaugh burial ground
1097 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: reservation of right of burial in Malew burial ground [from 20227/4]
1098 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: correspondence in connection with burial grounds [Patrick churchyard]
1099 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: Braddan burial grounds
1100 - Chief Secretary's Office: Burial grounds: The Burials Bill 1949
1101 - Chief Secretary's Office: Brewers Acts: rebate of duty on spoilt beer [from 20228/1/1]
1102 - Chief Secretary's Office: Brewers Acts: application by Castletown Brewery Limited for His Excellency's appraisal to an indulgence to use lactose and honey in brewing operations
1103 - Chief Secretary's Office: Brewers Acts: application by Castletown Brewery Limited for His Excellency's approval to an indulgence to use Oyster Concentrate in brewing operations
1104 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bravery - Act of: forms to be used for submitting particulars of Acts of Bravery to the Royal Humane Society
1105 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: constitution of the Board of Agriculture
1106 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: setting up of the Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
1107 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: Committee of Tynwald to enquire into the constitution etc of Boards of Tynwald The Boards of Tynwald Bill 1938; The payment of Members Expenses Amendment Bill 1935
1108 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: administration of the Payment of Members Expenses Amendment Act
1109 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: The Payment of Members Expenses Bill 1945
1110 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: report of the Committee of Tynwald on travelling and subsistence allowances for Members of the Legislature
1111 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: The Payments of Members Expenses Bill 1946
1112 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: procedure in connection with appointment of Boards
1113 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: proposal that civil servants be appointed to vacancies in clerical appointments under Boards of Tynwald
1114 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: proposed legislation dealing with the appointment and remuneration of staffs of Boards of Tynwald
1115 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: Compensation (Officers of Boards) Bill 1946
1116 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: election of Boards of Tynwald and Committees of Tynwald
1117 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: amalgamation of Local Government Board and Development Board
1118 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: sale of a plot of land on the West Quay by Peel Town Commissioners to the Isle of Man Harbour Board [see F1502/18]
1119 - Chief Secretary's Office: Board of Tynwald: purchase of property situated at root of Castletown Breakwater by Isle of Man Harbour Board from T.G. Moore Esq, Member of the House of Keys
1120 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bishop Barrows Charity Acts: The Bishop Barrows Charity Bill 1936
1121 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bishop Barrows Charity Acts: repayment of loan by the Trustees of the Bishop Barrows' Charity
1122 - Chief Secretary's Office: Bishop Barrows Charity Acts: Bishop Barrows' Charity Bill 1947
1123 - Chief Secretary's Office: Building Societies: operation of building societies in the Isle of Man [from 20233/1]
1124 - Chief Secretary's Office: Building Societies: The Industrial and Building Societies Bill 1947
1125 - Chief Secretary's Office: Building Societies: quarrying of stone for building purposes
1126 - Chief Secretary's Office: Building: building bye-laws
1127 - Chief Secretary's Office: British Legion: representations of the British Legion on various committees
1128 - Chief Secretary's Office: British Legion: application for a grant by the British Legion
1129 - Chief Secretary's Office: British Legion: British Legion Conference
1130 - Chief Secretary's Office: Business: retail sales from hotels
1131 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: suggested construction of public sheep dippers
1132 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: dipping of imported sheep [from 20441/1/4]
1133 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Isle of Man Southern Area Tuberculosis Eradication Order 1950
1134 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: compulsory pasteurisation of milk under the Cattle Diseases (Tuberculosis) Order 1946
1135 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: importation of dogs
1136 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Fat stock insurance regulations 1949 made by Isle of Man Agricultural Marketing Society
1137 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Isle of Man Diseases of Animals (Prevention) Bill 1947
1138 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Isle of Man Diseases of Animals (Prevention) Bill 1947
1139 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: administration of the Isle of Man Diseases of Animals (Prevention) Act
1140 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: The Animals (Importation) Order 1949
1141 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Animals Bill and Act 1948
1142 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle diseases: Improvement of Livestock Bill 1948
1143 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: monthly return of custom duties (non Common Purse)
1144 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: accommodation for the Customs Waterguard
1145 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Douglas Custom House [from 20442/5/1]
1146 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: rate of duty payable on Manx goods on importation into Canada [from 15448/19]
1147 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: trade agreement between the UK and the United States of America
1148 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Import Duties (Exemptions) (USA Agreement) (Isle of Man) Order 1938
1149 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Additional Import Duties (USA Agreement) (Isle of Man) Order 1938
1150 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Ottawa Agreements (Isle of Man) Order 1938
1151 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: petrol tax [from 20442/4]
1152 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: application by the Isle of Man Air Services Limited for a rebate on the duty of petroleum spirit and oil
1153 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: imposition of duties on matches [from 15448/5]
1154 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Imperial preferences. Regulations made by the Lieutenant Governor [from 20442/1]
1155 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: procedure regarding taxation proposals
1156 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: the shipment of fresh fish to the mainland and importation and exportation of fish
1157 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: proposed purchase of goods duty
1158 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Purchase Tax Regulations and Resolutions
1159 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Beer Duty
1160 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: increase in gravity of beer
1161 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: tobacco growing for personal needs [from 9460/1]
1162 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: duties of customs on tobacco
1163 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Purchase Tax Amendment Bill 1942
1164 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Purchase Tax Amendment Bill 1944
1165 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: amendments to Purchase Tax Acts The Purchase Tax Bill 1946
1166 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: The Purchase Tax Amendment Bill 1947
1167 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Purchase Tax
1168 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Purchase Tax
1169 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: suggested exemption from Purchase Tax on electrical appliances for the Government Housing Estates
1170 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: Purchase Tax Bill (No. 2) 1948
1171 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: shipping of bonded stores on foreign going aircraft
1172 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: limitation of period of Customs resolutions
1173 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: revision of the financial arrangement
1174 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: revision of the financial arrangement between the Isle of Man and HM Government
1175 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: position of Lieutenant Governor under new financial arrangements for control of Isle of Man Government expenditure
1176 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: payment of UK income tax by local Customs Officers [to L1805/11]
1177 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: accommodation for customs in Isle of Man. Repeal of Section 5 of the Customs Buildings Act 1879
1178 - Chief Secretary's Office: Customs: hidden subsidies
1179 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: application to borrow money for the purpose of building a new farmhouse at Bishopcourt [from 20443/41/2]
1180 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: repairs and alterations to Lezayre Vicarage, borrowing of money etc [from 20443/4/1]
1181 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: repairs and alterations to Lonan Vicarage, borrowing of money
1182 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: application for His Excellency's approval to the installation of electric light and a water supply at Arbory Vicarage
1183 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: His Excellency's approval to repairs and alterations to Rushen Vicarage
1184 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: alterations to the Glebe Farm, St Marks
1185 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: application for His Excellency's approval to the erection of a new oak pulpit in Arbory Parish Church
1186 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: income of the Bishopric of Sodor and Man
1187 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: sale of Glebe Lands, Santon
1188 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: sale of Glebe Lands - Santon
1189 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: sale of Glebe Lands - Michael
1190 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: sale of Andreas Rectory
1191 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown Livings: His Excellency's approval to the conveyance of land to the Highway Board
1192 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: Seal for the Manx High Court of Justice [from 40449/14]
1193 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: safe custody of Court records in the hands of the Clerks to the Justices - provision of safes
1194 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: interest of High Court accounts
1195 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: witnesses' wages [The Constables Fees and Witnesses Allowances Bill 1946]
1196 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: Constables Fees and Witnesses (Civil Order) 1949; Witnesses (Court of Criminal Appeal, Summary Jurisdiction and Inquests) Allowances Order 1949
1197 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: The Costs in Criminal Cases Bill 1946
1198 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: The Witnesses Allowance Regulations 1949 made under the Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1947
1199 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: digest of judgements in the Isle of Man Courts
1200 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: General Gaol Delivery - question of previous offences committed in England or Wales
1201 - Chief Secretary's Office: Courts: The Criminal Justice Bill 1947
1202 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: The Children Amendment Act 1936 [from 20450/3/1]
1203 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: The Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Bill 1937
1204 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: juvenile crime
1205 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: Children and Young Persons Act 1938
1206 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: Criminal Justice Bill 1938
1207 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: educational facilities for children undergoing detention
1208 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: hooliganism amongst children
1209 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: maintenance allowance in respect of children committed to the care of fit persons [to 1219/6/2]
1210 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: Children and Young Persons Bill 1947 proposed amendment of law dealing with children and young persons
1211 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: Children Bill 1948; Children Act Commission
1212 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: Nurseries and Child-Minders Regulations Bill 1948
1213 - Chief Secretary's Office: Children Acts: employment of children abroad
1214 - Chief Secretary's Office: Civil Service: unification of service (amalgamation of Boards of Tynwald with the civil service)
1215 - Chief Secretary's Office: Civil Service: appointment of Commission regarding relative value of superannuation rights of civil servants and affairs of Boards
1216 - Chief Secretary's Office: Civil Service: appointment of a commission regarding the relative value of superannuation rights of civil servants and officers of Boards
1217 - Chief Secretary's Office: Civil Service: Public Service (Staffs) Bill 1948 and 1950
1218 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change name of company from Advertising Service (India) to General Advertising Agency (India) Limited
1219 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change name from Colmac Limited to T.H. Colbourne (chemists)
1220 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: sanction sought to change name from Camp Chemists Limited to Camp Photos Limited
1221 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: change name from Milntown Estates Limited to Manx Real Estates Limited
1222 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: change name from Pre-Fabricated Concrete (Isle of Man) Limited to Milntown Engineering
1223 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: name of company from Ashton's Garage Limited to Faraghers and Ashton's Limited
1224 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change name of company from The Golf Links Hotel (Port St Mary) Limited to Carrick Bay Hotel Limited
1225 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: change name of J.J. Cowley and Company Limited to W.M. Kissack Limited
1226 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change the name of Air Charters Experts Limited to Manx Air Charters Limited
1227 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: Hix Excellency's sanction sought to change of name from Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited to Imperial Tobacco Company of Parkinson Limited
1228 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change name of company from R.E. Clucas and Company Limited to McCormick and Davies Limited
1229 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change name of The Amancic Dominions Corporation Limited to Cyclomat Dominions Corporation Limited
1230 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's sanction sought to change of company name from Ellen Vannin Crisps Limited to Readifords (Douglas) Limited
1231 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: formation of companies in the Isle of Man for the evasion of English taxes
1232 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: His Excellency's approval sought to company being formed bearing the name House of Rest
1233 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: application of the Isle of Man Fisheries Limited to extend the period allowed for making up their accounts
1234 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: registration of companies [from 20452/4]
1235 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: application of Rushen Abbey and Gardens Limited for His Excellency to appoint an auditor
1236 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: Clucas' Laundry (1946) Limited
1237 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: Companies Bill 1946; Companies Act 1948
1238 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: application for permission to register a private company as The Imperial Private Hotel (1947) Limited [see file 20452/5/1]
1239 - Chief Secretary's Office: Companies Acts: application for permission to register a company as The Empress Hotel Limited
1240 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Powers) Measure 1936
1241 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: application of Church Assembly Measures to the Isle of Man [from 20453/2]
1242 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Clergy Pensions (Widows and Dependants) Measure 1936 [from 20453/5]
1243 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Benefices (Cure of Souls) Measure 193[-]
1244 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Incumbents (Misbehaviour and Negligence) Measure 193[-]
1245 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Marriage (Licensing of Chapels) Measure 193[-]
1246 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Ecclesiastical Residences and Dilapidations Bill 1936
1247 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Church Bill 1937
1248 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Church Bill 1937 (No. 2)
1249 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Ecclesiastical Commissioners (Powers) Measure
1250 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Faculty Jurisdiction Measure
1251 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: general procedure for the sanction of loans
1252 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Church Bill 1938
1253 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Patrick Church Bill 1938
1254 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Clergy (War Regulations) Measure 193[-]
1255 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The New Parishes Measure
1256 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Incumbents (Disability) Measure 194[-]
1257 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Loans (Postponement of Repayment) Measure 194[-]
1258 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Incumbents (Vacation of Benefice) Measure 194[-]
1259 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Reorganisation Areas Measure 194[-]
1260 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Episcopal Endowments and Stipends Measure 194[-]
1261 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Benefice (Suspension of Presentation) Measure 194[-]
1262 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Diocesan Education Committee Measure 194[-]
1263 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Reorganisation Areas Measure 194[-]
1264 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: Emergency Legislation Measure 194[-]
1265 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Episcopal Pensions Measure 194[-]
1266 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: The Church Bill 1947
1267 - Chief Secretary's Office: Church Measures: constitution of the parochial district of St Johns
1268 - Chief Secretary's Office: Criminal Code: right of appeal to the Privy Council in criminal cases [from 20466/4]
1269 - Chief Secretary's Office: Criminal Code: Attempted Rape Bill 1947
1270 - Chief Secretary's Office: Charities: The Charitable Collections (Regulations) Bill 1939
1271 - Chief Secretary's Office: Charities: The Charitable Collections Regulations 1940
1272 - Chief Secretary's Office: Charities: Merseyside Sailors Day Appeal
1273 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastguard Service: coastguard facilities in the Mersey area
1274 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastguard Service: coastguard lookout on Bradda Head
1275 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coinage offences: The Coinage Offences Act 1936
1276 - Chief Secretary's Office: Contracts - Government: fair wage clause in Government contracts [from 24361/7/1]
1277 - Chief Secretary's Office: Contracts - Government: King's Roll [to K2003/1]
1278 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: proposal that Insular Government should purchase Crown properties in the Isle of Man [from 10457]
1279 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: purchase of Crown lands [from 10457]
1280 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: financial arrangements for purchase of Crown lands
1281 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: Final report of the Committee on the purchase of Crown lands
1282 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: ex-crown leases handed to the Forestry, Mines and Lands Board by the Government Property Trustees
1283 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: Douglas Corporation sewer outfall at Port Jack, application for a reduction of the licence charge
1284 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: Bride Sand and Gravel Company, leases at Point of Ayre and Sulby
1285 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: letting of grazing rights
1286 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: wayleaves granted to the Electricity Board for the erection of transmission lines
1287 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: lease of Cornelly and East Foxdale Mines
1288 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: under-lease of limestone and other stone at Billown by Mr T.G.H.W. Moore to Billown Lime Quarries Limited
1289 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: application to work the quarry at Ballaquane, Dalby - P.D. Craine
1290 - Chief Secretary's Office: Crown lands: application by Ordnance Survey Office for permission to erect a survey station on South Barrule
1291 - Chief Secretary's Office: Contraceptives: The Contraceptive Bill
1292 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastal erosion: experimental groyne on Kirk Michael Foreshore
1293 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastal erosion: Dog Mills, Bride
1294 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastal erosion: The Coast Protection Act 1939 (Imperial Parliament)
1295 - Chief Secretary's Office: Coastal erosion: Coast Protection Bill 1948 and Act 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1296 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cruelty to animals: Exportation of Horses Bill
1297 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cruelty to animals: Docking and Nicking of Horses Act 1949; Docking and Nicking of Horse Bill 1949
1298 - Chief Secretary's Office: Consuls: The Consular Conventions Bill Consular Conventions (Isle of Man) Bill 1949
1299 - Chief Secretary's Office: Consuls: Consular Convention between the United Kingdom and France
1300 - Chief Secretary's Office: Consuls: Consular Convention between the United Kingdom and Egypt
1301 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle: The Cattle Breeding Amendment Bill 1938
1302 - Chief Secretary's Office: Cattle: licensing of young bulls under the Cattle Breeding Act
1303 - Chief Secretary's Office: Constitution: The Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Bill 1945
1304 - Chief Secretary's Office: Constitution: The Isle of Man Constitution (Executive Council) Bill 1946
1305 - Chief Secretary's Office: Copyright: Copyright (United States of America) Order 194[-]
1306 - Chief Secretary's Office: Commission: The Public Commission Bill 1945
1307 - Chief Secretary's Office: Common lands: application of surplus income of Common Lands Board
1308 - Chief Secretary's Office: Council of Europe: recommendations of Consultative Assembly on Social Security
1309 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: dangerous drugs relations
1310 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: The Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933
1311 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: destruction of dangerous goods
1312 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: Pharmacy and Poisons Bill 1946
1313 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: modification of medical prescriptions
1314 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: Importation of Dangerous Drugs The Dangerous Drugs Act (Application) Order 1947, 1948 and 1949
1315 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: The Dangerous Drugs Bill 1945
1316 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: Medical Practitioners and Pharmacists Bill 1947 (Imperial Parliament); The Medical Bill 1948 (Isle of Man) and Act 1947
1317 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Drugs Act: Radioactive Substances Bill 1948 (Imperial Parliament); Radioactive Substances Bill 1949 (Isle of Man)
1318 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: storage of petrol by Shell Mex and B.P. Limited at the Tongue, Douglas
1319 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: accidents involving dangerous goods
1320 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: terrorism
1321 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: storage of explosives
1322 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: conditions of licences for the storage of dangerous goods
1323 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dangerous Goods Act: Dangerous Goods Orders 1928-1950; Explosives Orders
1324 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Colby drainage scheme [from 21048/4]
1325 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Baldrine and Garwick drainage scheme [from 21048/3]
1326 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Derbyhaven drainage scheme [from 21048/6]
1327 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: extension of the Marown drainage area [from 21048/1/1]
1328 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting the Ballanard Road and Norwood Drive a special drainage district
1329 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: extension and alteration of the Spring Valley drainage district
1330 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Union Mills drainage scheme
1331 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Pinfold drainage scheme
1332 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Tromode drainage scheme
1333 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Douglas boundary sewer
1334 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: German drainage district, Patrick [from 24741/4]
1335 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Ballasalla special drainage district
1336 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: proposed surface water drainage scheme for Onchan Village
1337 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Ballabeg (Arbory) drainage scheme
1338 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board extending the boundaries of the Union Mills special drainage district
1339 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: storm water sewers in the Borough of Douglas
1340 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: repayment of loan advanced to Board of Agriculture in connection with the Lhen Noar with the Lhen Noar and Killane drainage districts [from 21043/7]
1341 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: financial assistance in connection with the Castletown main sewer
1342 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Lezayre (Milntown) drainage scheme
1343 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: proposed clearing out of Agneash dam
1344 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: application for financial assistance for the renewal of the sewer in North Quay
1345 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: sanitary conveniences at the Point of Ayre [from 22743/4]
1346 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Ramsey main sewer - financial assistance
1347 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting Glen Maye area of the parish of Patrick as a special drainage district
1348 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting Cregneash and Glenchass as a special drainage district
1349 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: sewage disposal scheme for Andreas Village
1350 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting Foxdale drainage district
1351 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting Ballabeg/Arbory drainage district
1352 - Chief Secretary's Office: Drainage scheme: Order of the Local Government Board constituting the Ballanard Road, Onchan, special drainage district, under Douglas Braddan and Onchan drainage
1353 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: reconstruction of the stone bridge over Douglas Harbour [from 21044/13]
1354 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: method of payment of men employed on Public Water Schemes
1355 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: Public Works Commission
1356 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: proposed widening at Derby Castle
1357 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: financing of public works [from 21044/18]
1358 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: proposed reconstruction of the Pulrose Road at a cost of £5,680
1359 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: repair of damage done to Ramsey Promenade by storm
1360 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: repair of storm damage to Laxey Promenade wall - Laxey sewer outfall
1361 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: promenade sea-defence work at Castletown
1362 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: date of commencement of public works
1363 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: proposed brine baths at Ramsey
1364 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: proposed brine baths at Ramsey
1365 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: Commission on establishment of proposed spa including brine baths, clinic etc
1366 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: press cuttings on the brine spa
1367 - Chief Secretary's Office: Development schemes: the development of land within the town and village districts
1368 - Chief Secretary's Office: Decorations: deaths of Companions of the Imperial Service Order
1369 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: recommendations for decorations forwarded to the Home Office [papers transferred to D1319/7]
1370 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: forms for submitting recommendations
1371 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: presentation by His Excellency on behalf of HM the King of Insignia of an Officer of the Order of St John of Jerusalem to Mr B.E. Sargeaunt M.V.O., O.B.E.
1372 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: presentation by His Excellency on behalf of the Order of St John, the Insignia of a Serving Brother to Dr F.M. Longson
1373 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: presentation of the Insignia of a Serving Brother of the Order of St John to Dr J.L. Lewthwaite and Messrs J.T. Dugdale and William A. Quillan
1374 - Chief Secretary's Office: Honours and decorations: Order of wearing orders, decorations and medals
1375 - Chief Secretary's Office: Destructive Insects and Pests Act: Importation of Plants Order
1376 - Chief Secretary's Office: Destructive Insects and Pests Act: the wart disease of potatoes
1377 - Chief Secretary's Office: Destructive Insects and Pests Act: The Importation of Seed Potatoes Order 1940
1378 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation Acts: extension of the boundaries of Douglas [from 41047/1]
1379 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation Acts: The Douglas Extension of Boundaries Bill 1936
1380 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation Acts: The Derby Square Bill 1945
1381 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation Acts: The Queen's Gardens Bill 1948
1382 - Chief Secretary's Office: Douglas Corporation Acts: Douglas Crescent (Amendment) Bill 1949 to empower the erection and maintenance of a bandstand in Queen's Promenade, Douglas
1383 - Chief Secretary's Office: Destructive Imported Animals Act: Orders made under above Act [To D1315/1]
1384 - Chief Secretary's Office: Destructive Imported Animals Act: The Destructive Animals Bill 1938 (Imp. Parliament)
1385 - Chief Secretary's Office: Dogs Act: suggested scheme of compulsory insurance of dogs
1386 - Chief Secretary's Office: 'Deaf and Dumb': provision for deaf and dumb persons in the Isle of Man
1387 - Chief Secretary's Office: Estimates: date of presentation of budget
1388 - Chief Secretary's Office: Estimates: investigation of the administration of the Emergency Services by a Treasury Officer
1389 - Chief Secretary's Office: Estimates: leakage of [budget] information
1390 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: report of the Electoral Reform Commission on a scheme enabling members of HM Forces to vote
1391 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys Election (Votes of Members of HM Forces and the Merchant Navy) Bill 1944
1392 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: Report of the Electoral Reform Commission
1393 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys (Votes of Members of HM Forces and the Merchant Navy) Regulations
1394 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys Election Bill 1945
1395 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: proposal that two thirds majority of the House of Keys be required to alter House of Keys electoral districts, representation of district
1396 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: The House of Keys Elections (Table of Fees) Bill 1946
1397 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: Orders made under the House of Keys Elections (Table of Fees) Bill 1946
1398 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: plural voting in connection with House of Keys elections
1399 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: House of Keys Election Bill 1946
1400 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: proposed amendment of the House of Keys Election Acts
1401 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: fees payable for the preparation of voters lists and local authority elections, The Local Government (Registration of Voters and Electors by Ballot) Bill 1947
1402 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: fees payable in connection with
1403 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: local government (registration of voters)
1404 - Chief Secretary's Office: Elections - House of Keys: provision of a polling booth in the House of Keys
1405 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: collapse of the Isle of Man Electricity Boards High Tension System - Jan 1936
1406 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: payment of statutory contributions from the Insular Revenue to the Isle of Man Electricity Board [from 21343/1/5]
1407 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: His Excellency's approval to borrowing by the Isle of Man Electricity Board [from 21343/1/8]
1408 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: suggested harnessing of the Sulby River for the supply of electricity
1409 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: accident at electricity works resulting in failure of electricity
1410 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: change over of Douglas Corporation Electricity supply from direct to alternating currents [from 21343/5]
1411 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: proposed regulations ensuring the employment of qualified electricians only
1412 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: proposed erection of a power station by the Isle of Man Electricity Board
1413 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: extension of Douglas Electricity undertaking borrowing of money necessary etc [from 21343/4]
1414 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: proposed joint generating authority Hydro-electric scheme - (26343/20)
1415 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: supply of electricity at Mull Hills above Cregneash, near coast at Scarlett and Cranstal Point
1416 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: supply of electricity in an emergency
1417 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: application by the Electricity Board for permission to extend mains without obtaining the usual wayleaves
1418 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: The Isle of Man Electric Lights and Power Act 1932 - arbitration proceedings
1419 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: Hydro-electric scheme for the Isle of Man
1420 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: proposed Hydro-electric scheme for the Isle of Man [to E1412/18]
1421 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: Final report of the Hydro-electric Commission
1422 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: Final report of the Hydro-electric Commission Diesel Electric Power Station at Peel
1423 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: electricity supplies to farms and villages
1424 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: electricity supplies to farms and villages
1425 - Chief Secretary's Office: Electricity supply: restrictions on the development of electricity supplies
1426 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: playing fields for Douglas schoolchildren King George V Park and Middle river clearance
1427 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: provision of a children's recreation ground in Ramsey
1428 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: provision of children's recreation ground in Onchan
1429 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: raising of the school leaving age
1430 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: raising of the school leaving age, The Education Bill 1938
1431 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: position of the re-organisation of education in the Isle of Man
1432 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Executive Council Committee Secretary's correspondence
1433 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: erection of infants school at Pulrose
1434 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Education (Peel Clothworkers Schools) Bill 1936
1435 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Manx Technical College for Women
1436 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: employment of children bye-laws made by the Council of Education
1437 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Employment of Children in Entertainments (Isle of Man) Rules 1937 made by the Council of Education
1438 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: proposed improvements at the Buchan School, Castletown [see file 26345/3/2]
1439 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: salaries of staff at the Buchan School
1440 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: accommodation of the Buchan School
1441 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: free place boarding scholarships at the Buchan School
1442 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: education of deaf and dumb children [from 21345/6]
1443 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Douglas Grammar School Amendment Bill 1938
1444 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Ramsey new senior school
1445 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Public Authorities (Estimates) Act 1940. Application for postponement of date on which the Education Authority must make their estimate and levy the rate
1446 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: youth organisations in the Isle of Man
1447 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Report of the Commission on Juveniles
1448 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Report of the Commission on Juveniles, Juvenile Courts
1449 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Report of the Commission on Juveniles, Welfare Officers
1450 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Report of the Commission on Juveniles, Remand Home
1451 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Report of the Commission on Juveniles, Remand Home
1452 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: establishment of Youth Centre in Ramsey
1453 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Education (Young Peoples Welfare) Act 1944
1454 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Orders made under the Education (Young Peoples Welfare) Act 1944
1455 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Education Bill 1944
1456 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: emergency recruitment and training of teachers
1457 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: State and Public Schools - Fleming report
1458 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: community centres
1459 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: school teachers' salaries
1460 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: administration of educational matters [from 21345/12]
1461 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: The Education Bill 1948
1462 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Education (miscellaneous provisions) Bill 1948; Act 1948 (Imperial Parliament)
1463 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Rules and Orders made under the Education Act 1949
1464 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Isle of Man Board of Education Bill 1946
1465 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: Ballakermeen School - application for use of a royal title
1466 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: welfare of children [to 1219/6/1]
1467 - Chief Secretary's Office: Education: orthopaedic treatment for children under Education (Extension of Medical Treatment) Act 1933
1468 - Chief Secretary's Office: Emigration: applications for financial assistance to emigrate [from 21344]
1469 - Chief Secretary's Office: Emigration: proposed resumption of scheme for assisted migration [from 21344]
1470 - Chief Secretary's Office: Evidence Acts: The Evidence Act 1938 (Imperial Parliament)
1471 - Chief Secretary's Office: Enemy property: Distribution of German Enemy Property Act 1949
1472 - Chief Secretary's Office: Firearms Acts: proposed regulation of the use of shooting galleries [from 21570/3]
1473 - Chief Secretary's Office: Firearms Acts: The Firearms Act 1936 (Imperial Parliament) (Consolidation Measure); The Firearms Bill 1947
1474 - Chief Secretary's Office: Firearms Acts: Firearms Rules 1948
1475 - Chief Secretary's Office: Firearms Acts: control of air guns with groove or refted barrels
1476 - Chief Secretary's Office: Firearms Acts: use of firearms by the Service Cadet Corps
1477 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fire brigades: proposed Insular Fire Brigade Service
1478 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fire brigades: Report of the Fire Services Commission relating the fire services of the Isle of Man
1479 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fire brigades: fire rescue facilities for boarding houses
1480 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fire brigades: Report of Fire Services Commission provision of fire escapes in hotels, boarding houses etc
1481 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fire brigades: Local Government (Fire Services) Bill 1949, 1950
1482 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Report of Tynwald Committee on Sea Fisheries [from 21564/21/1]
1483 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Isle of Man Fisheries Limited Report of Tynwald Committee on Sea Fisheries
1484 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: The Sea Fish Industry Bill (Imperial Parliament)
1485 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: application by the Isle of Man Fisheries Limited for a further Government loan for new fishing boats
1486 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: application by the Isle of Man Fisheries Limited for a further Government loan for new fishing boats
1487 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: original agreements entered into by Isle of Man Fisheries Limited in respect of loans granted for building of fishing boats
1488 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: branding of herrings under the Herring Fishery (Branding) Act 1916
1489 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: loans to fishermen [from 21564/11/1]
1490 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: registration of mortgages raised on loans to Isle of Man
1491 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: retailing on the mainland as 'Real Manx Kippers' not cured in the Isle of Man [from 17967/37]
1492 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: The Whaling Industry (Regulations) Act (Isle of Man) Order 1936
1493 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: international agreements for the regulation of whaling
1494 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: suppression inshore trawling
1495 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: fishing in Scottish waters by boats of Isle of Man Fisheries Limited
1496 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Anglo-Polish Trade Agreement of 1935, issue of certificate of origin in respect of Manx Herrings shipped to Poland
1497 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: restriction of Manx ports to local fishing vessels and Herring Fishing Scheme
1498 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: The Herring Fishery Scheme
1499 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: The Herring Industry Bill (Imperial Parliament)
1500 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: fresh water angling in the Isle of Man [to 71502/13]
1501 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Report on the Fresh Water Fisheries in the Island
1502 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: pollution of rivers
1503 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Report of the Herring Fishery Commission
1504 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: loans for the erection of curing houses
1505 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: proposed international conference on the control of fishing in the North Sea and other waters adjacent to the British Isles
1506 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: insurance of fishing boats
1507 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: The Fishery Bill 1947
1508 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: Manx Kippers scheme
1509 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fisheries: medium-frequency radio telephone for ships at sea
1510 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: Isle of Man Harbour Commission apply for permission to fly a special flag [from 21565/2/1]
1511 - Chief Secretary's Office: Flags: Manx national flag [from 21565/2 to F1506/7]
1512 - Chief Secretary's Office: Fleet: HMS Manxman
1513 - Chief Secretary's Office: Forestry Board: advisory report upon forestry in the Isle of Man by Mr A.P. Long
1514 - Chief Secretary's Office: Forestry Board: aerial survey of the Crown plantations and coast erosion
1515 - Chief Secretary's Office: Forestry Board: memoranda by Mrs B. Gale on Crown plantations
1516 - Chief Secretary's Office: Forestry Board: lease of land at Ballakerka, Sulby by Forestry Board - payment of rent to Messrs J.W. and R.A. Craine
1517 - Chief Secretary's Office: Family Allowances: The Family Allowances Bill 1945
1518 - Chief Secretary's Office: Family Allowances: regulations made under the Family Allowances Bill 1945
1519 - Chief Secretary's Office: Family Allowances: administration of the Family Allowances Bill 1945
1520 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: suggested purchase of Calf Island presented to National Trust [from 16665/10]
1521 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: The Government Property Trustees Amendment Bill 1938
1522 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: The Government Property Trustees Amendment Bill 1944
1523 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: The Government Property Trustees Bill 1948
1524 - Chief Secretary's Office: Government Property Trustees: The National Defence Property Bill 1938
1525 - Chief Secretary's Office: Graves - War: agreement with the German and French Governments regarding war graves
1526 - Chief Secretary's Office: Graves - War: allocation of graves for the burial of members of HM Forces
1527 - Chief Secretary's Office: Graves - War: War Graves (Relatives Visits) Scheme
1528 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: suggested grant from the Manx Government to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
1529 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: wedding present to Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth, also congratulatory note
1530 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: proposed T.E. Brown memorial
1531 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: proposed T.E. Brown memorial
1532 - Chief Secretary's Office: Grants: proposed presentation to the House of Commons of an oak table and silver inkstand
1533 - Chief Secretary's Office: Geneva Convention Act: The Geneva Convention Bill 1936
1534 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: report of Committee of House of Keys regarding terms of appointment of Governor
1535 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: appointment of Vice-Admiral the Honourable Spencer Leveson-Gower as Lieutenant Governor
1536 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: arrival of Vice-Admiral Leveson Gower, tickets for admission to Castle Rushen and the Victoria Pier
1537 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: arrival of Vice-Admiral the Honourable W.S. Leveson-Gower. Registration of unemployed to commence on 30 Oct 1937
1538 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: arrangements for visits to the four towns of the Island by His Excellency and the Lady Rose Leveson-Gower
1539 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: visit of His Excellency and the Lady Rose Leveson-Gower to Douglas, address of welcome and His Excellency's reply
1540 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: Vice-Admiral the Honourable W.S. Leveson-Gower, warrant of appointment as Lieutenant Governor - also instructions
1541 - Chief Secretary's Office: Governorship: warrant of appointment and instructions of Air Vice-Marshall Sir Geoffrey Bromet as Lieutenant Governor
1542 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Road Traffic Bill 1934 [from 21881/11 to 26881/4]
1543 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Bill 1935 regarding licencing of motor vehicles to carry twenty five passengers [from 21881/13] [see 26881/2/1]
1544 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment (Seating of Motor Vehicles) Bill 1939 [from 26881/2]
1545 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1935 [from 26881/14]
1546 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill, 1935 (from the Keys), read by Council first time - 1 Nov 1935. Remitted to Committee of Council - 5 Nov 1935; Correspondence of Secretary to Committee
1547 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1937, suggested legislation requiring the licencing of road services
1548 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: Committee of the Legislative Council. The Road Traffic Amendment Bill
1549 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: proposed amendment of the Road Traffic Amendment Act 1939 regarding fire fighting vehicles
1550 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: payment of doctors' claims for attendance at street accidents
1551 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1937 (authorising Douglas Corporation to run buses outside their district) [to 27743/10]
1552 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1937 (closing of roads for bicycle roads)
1553 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Bill 1937 (exemption from duty of dogs owned by farmers and shepherds)
1554 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1938 [from 26881/4]
1555 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: inspection of public service vehicles
1556 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1939, amending the scale of duties affecting vehicles used exclusively for the purpose of agriculture
1557 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1938
1558 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: proposed repeal of The Highway Amendment (No. 2) Act 1938 (reduced duties for stage-coaches and holiday vehicles)
1559 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: authorisation of traffic signs made by the Highway Board [from 21881/3/3]
1560 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: proposed increase in motor vehicle tax, The Highway Duties Bill 1939
1561 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1940, reciprocal arrangement between the Isle of Man and England for the issue of driving licences
1562 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: suggested compulsory third-party insurance for push-cyclists
1563 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: licences for drivers and conductors of road service vehicles
1564 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway (Unadopted Roads) Amendment Bill 1941
1565 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Standing Passengers Order 1939
1566 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment Bill 1942, use of agricultural tractors on road
1567 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: vehicle licence fees
1568 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway (Amendment) Bill 1944
1569 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Amendment (Seating of Motor Vehicles) Bill 1945
1570 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: petitions received regarding the cutting and chopping of trees along bus routes
1571 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Road Traffic Bill 1947
1572 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: The Highway Bill 1947, proposed amendment of the Highway Amendment Act 1939
1573 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: extension of Douglas Corporation bus service beyond the town boundaries, Local Government (Omnibuses) Bill 1949
1574 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Act: Road Traffic Bill 1949 [from file 26881/35]
1575 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: Highway Board finances - proposed reduction in insular revenue contributions
1576 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: Highway Board finances
1577 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: erection of signpost and direction signs by the Highway Board
1578 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1939, made under the Road Traffic Amendment Act 1939 by the Highway Board.
1579 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: proposed reduction of age limit for issue of driving licences, The Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1942
1580 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: The Motor Vehicles (Registration and Licencing) Regulations
1581 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations
1582 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: motor vehicles: 1. variation of speed limit regulations; 2. direction, indicator and stop light regulations
1583 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: road service vehicles regulations
1584 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: The Traffic Signs (Pedestrian Crossings) Provisional Regulations 1947; The Pedestrian Crossing Places (Traffic) Regulations 1947
1585 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: The Traffic Signs Regulations
1586 - Chief Secretary's Office: Highway Board: Isle of Man Highway and Transport Board Bill 1946
1587 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: official opening of the Red Pier and Viaduct [from 21883/2/2]
1588 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: Red Pier extension scheme
1589 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: Ramsey swing bridge [from 21883/11]
1590 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: The Ramsey Swing Bridge Transfer Bill 1945
1591 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: proposed erection of new breakwater at Port Erin
1592 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: repair of the Victoria Pier, Douglas
1593 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: proposal to make a Government boat building yard at Peel
1594 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: report by the Harbour Engineer-in-Chief on Peel Harbour
1595 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: proposed new pier at Peel
1596 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: Isle of Man Harbour Board Bill 1946
1597 - Chief Secretary's Office: Harbours: The Isle of Man Harbours Bill 1947 and Act 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
1598 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Commission regarding: 1. Island Medical Officer; 2. nationalisation of White Hoe Hospital
1599 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: The Public Health Bill 193[-]
1600 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Typhoid Fever outbreaks
1601 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Radium Institute and Hospital for Cancer [from 21885/13]
1602 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: endowment of bed in the Liverpool Cancer Hospital for the treatment of Manx patients
1603 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: suggested cancer scheme for the Isle of Man, The Cancer Bill 1942
1604 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Cancer scheme
1605 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations 1938 [to H1711/6]
1606 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: erection of a social service welfare hall in Onchan
1607 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: outbreak of Para-typhoid Fever in the Island
1608 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: diseases declared by the Local Government Board to be infectious diseases
1609 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: application for financial assistance for the Ramsey and District Maternity Home
1610 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: proposed Home for Incurables and other Invalided Persons
1611 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: care of infants under five years
1612 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: pathological services of the Isle of Man
1613 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: National Health Service
1614 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: National Health Service
1615 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Penicillin [for Penicillin (Merchant Ships) Bill see P2513/1]
1616 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: The Isle of Man Local Government Board Bill 1946
1617 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: Isle of Man Health Services Bill 1948
1618 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: National Health Service (Isle of Man) Bill 1948
1619 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: proposed amendments to the National Health Service (Isle of Man) Act 1948; (Amendment) Bill 1949; (Amendment) Act 1949
1620 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: National Health Service (Isle of Man) Act 1948; Standing Nursing Advisory Committee Order 1949
1621 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: The National Health Service (Isle of Man) Bill 1950
1622 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: scheme for the extension of Nobles Isle of Man Hospital
1623 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: financial position of Nobles (Isle of Man) Hospital
1624 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: scale of fees payable to dentists for general dental services provided under the National Health Service Act
1625 - Chief Secretary's Office: Health - Public: payments to doctors made under section 30 (3)(d) of the National Health Service (Isle of Man) Act 1948
1626 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: appointment of one member of the Court of the University of Liverpool, also proposed appointment of His Excellency as ex-officio member of the Court of the University of Lancaster
1627 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Keys: acquisition of books for the Library of the House of Keys
1628 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: provision of recreation hall at Pulrose [from 21887/2/1]
1629 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed erection of 6 houses and 4 shops at Pulrose
1630 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Douglas housing schemes - proposed erection of 168 houses at Onchan [from 21887/2/2]
1631 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: application for Government grant towards the cost of Douglas new street area
1632 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: housing situation in Douglas
1633 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Ramsey housing scheme [from 21887/9]
1634 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Ramsey housing scheme
1635 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Castletown Commissioners housing scheme
1636 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: The Housing Bill 1936 [from 21887/8/1]
1637 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Braddan Commissioners housing scheme. Erection of houses at Camlork, Braddan
1638 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: post-war housing scheme of the Braddan Commissioners - Snugborough Estate
1639 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: erection of workmens' houses by the Peel Town Commissioners
1640 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Report of Tynwald Committee on Building Costs
1641 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: issue of grants and loans
1642 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: condition of dwellings in the Isle of Man which have been reconditioned under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act
1643 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: housing and slum clearance in the Isle of Man
1644 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed sale to the Douglas Corporation of part of Bemahague Estate for building purposes
1645 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Malew Parish Commissioners' housing scheme
1646 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: factory made houses
1647 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Interim Report of the War Committee of Tynwald on the subject of housing
1648 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Interim Report of the War Committee of Tynwald on the subject of housing
1649 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Interim Report of the War Committee of Tynwald on the subject of housing
1650 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: erection of 6 demonstration houses
1651 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: housing scheme for Arbory (Colby Housing Scheme)
1652 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: housing scheme for Rushen, Croit-e-Caley
1653 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Laxey housing scheme
1654 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Spring Valley Estate scheme
1655 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Housing Private Enterprise Scheme
1656 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Port Erin housing scheme, St Mary's Road, Marashan Crescent, Ballafesson Road
1657 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Port St Mary housing scheme, Seafield Avenue
1658 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Peel housing scheme - Boilley Spittal
1659 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Peel housing scheme - Patrick Street and Glenfaba Road, Peel
1660 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Janets' Corner, Castletown permanent housing scheme
1661 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Local Government Board housing scheme at The Hope, St Johns
1662 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Local Government Board housing scheme at Bride
1663 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Ballasalla permanent housing scheme, re-named Clagh Vane Parts 1 and 2 Nurses House
1664 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Douglas Corporation, erection of 6 houses at Pulrose
1665 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Land Settlement Scheme
1666 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Land Settlement Scheme, further copies of Interim Report and plan of the Creggans [see file 26887/21/A]
1667 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed purchase by the Braddan Commissioners of the Snugborough Estate, Braddan for the purpose of: 1. housing for ex-servicemen; 2. children's recreational ground; 3. small holdings for ex-servicemen
1668 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed acquisition of redundant camps
1669 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed acquisition of redundant camps
1670 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed acquisition of redundant camps
1671 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed acquisition of Andreas Aerodrome
1672 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: acquisition of Andreas Aerodrome
1673 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: acquisition of Andreas Aerodrome
1674 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: acquisition of Andreas Aerodrome
1675 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: acquisition of Andreas Aerodrome, drainage of Andreas Aerodrome
1676 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: right of way for Cronk Farm, Andreas
1677 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed use of NAAFI (Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes) building at Andreas Camp as a Central School for the northern district
1678 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: financial arrangements made for the conversion of Ballasalla naval camp to a housing scheme
1679 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed social centre at Ballasalla housing estate
1680 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: payment of an annual contribution in lieu of rates to Malew Parish Commissioners in respect of part of Ballasalla housing estate
1681 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Glen Maye camp
1682 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Agricultural Housing Bill 1946, Housing (Rural Workers) Bill 1947
1683 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Temporary housing scheme, Ronaldsway
1684 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Bride camp
1685 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: The Rural Housing Bill 1949
1686 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: purchase of a house on Ballbrooie Estate by the Local Government Board for use by senior architectural assistant
1687 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: proposed erection by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries of 2 semi-detached houses - purchase of Kildare, High View Road, Douglas
1688 - Chief Secretary's Office: Housing: Housing Bill; Housing Act 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1689 - Chief Secretary's Office: Horticulture and Floriculture: Final Report of the Horticultural Committee [from 218901]
1690 - Chief Secretary's Office: High Bailiff: duties of the High Bailiff
1691 - Chief Secretary's Office: Hospitality Fund: proposed Hospitality Fund
1692 - Chief Secretary's Office: Horses: Horse Breeding Amendment Bill 1938
1693 - Chief Secretary's Office: Hire Purchase: Hire Purchase Bill (Imperial Parliament) 1938
1694 - Chief Secretary's Office: House of Industry: The House of Industry Bill 1944 [see The Cummal Aash Bill 1955 C1241/1]
1695 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: payment of commission and expenses in connection with the deduction of Manx income tax at source from the interest payable on Manx stocks [from 22444/1]
1696 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: payment of Insular Banks for the preparation of returns
1697 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: application received for positions of principal and senior clerk in the Income Tax Assessment Office
1698 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: proposed consolidation of income tax Law, The Income Tax Bill 1945
1699 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax (Appropriation) Bill 1938
1700 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: conscription of wealth, Isle of Man Income Tax (Sur-tax Prevention of Evasion) Bill 1940
1701 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax Amendment Bill 1940
1702 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: proposal to introduce a flat rate of income tax
1703 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Excess Profits Tax Bill
1704 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: proposed imposition of direct taxation
1705 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax (Employment) Act 1943 (pay-as-you-earn income tax)
1706 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: resolution of the House of Keys on keeping Manx income tax law in line with English law on income tax. Also other resolutions regarding income tax
1707 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax: income tax payable by the Isle of Man Electricity Board
1708 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Bill 1945 (Imperial Parliament)
1709 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Double Taxation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man [to I 1803/2]
1710 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax Amendment Bill 1945; The Income Tax Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1945
1711 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: question of United Kingdom income tax in relation to investments in British Government Securities
1712 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: investment of Income Tax Fund [to 1808/4]
1713 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Regulations under Income Tax Act 1946
1714 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Bill 1947-1949 - Committee to consider assessment and allowances to tax-payers
1715 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Bill 1947 to amend subsection 3 of section 89 of the Income Tax Act 1946
1716 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax (Appropriation) Bill 1947
1717 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: appropriation of the Income Tax Fund
1718 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: The Income Tax Bill 1948
1719 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: income tax concessions regarding police boot, clothing allowances and rent allowances [to I 1803/4]
1720 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Appropriation Bill 1949
1721 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Bill 1949
1722 - Chief Secretary's Office: Income Tax Acts: Income Tax Relief on National Insurance benefits for civil servants who opt to draw unabated sick pay
1723 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: Workmens Compensation and Road Traffic Acts - revision of particulars relating to companies operating in the Isle of Man
1724 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: guarantee of policies issued by the Tower Insurance Company under the Workmens' Compensation and Road Traffic Acts [from 21881/2/2]
1725 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: Workmens Compensation Insurance - returns of business etc [from 24743/2]
1726 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: compensation for victims of uninsured motor vehicles
1727 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Bill 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
1728 - Chief Secretary's Office: Insurance Companies: reciprocity between Jersey and Isle of Man in third party motor car insurance
1729 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: cultivation of Phorium Tenax (New Zealand Flax) [from 22444/3]
1730 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: cultivation of flax in the Isle of Man
1731 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: suggested production of peat fuel
1732 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: proposal of 'Koray Limited' to erect a factory for the extraction of products from peat
1733 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: suggested gathering and preparation of seaweed and peat [from 22444/1]
1734 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: Development of Industry Bill 1948
1735 - Chief Secretary's Office: Industries - local: Industrial Organisation and Development Act 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
1736 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: investment of the Accumulated Fund [from 22445/1]
1737 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: investments of the Fund standing to the credit of the special account set up in pursuance of the War Damage Act 1941
1738 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: The Borrowing (Control and Guarantees) (Isle of Man) Bill 1947
1739 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: The Borrowing (Control and Guarantees) Bill 1947
1740 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: The Exchange Control Bill 1946
1741 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: The Exchange Control (Isle of Man) Order 1947
1742 - Chief Secretary's Office: Investments: investment of monies on account of the National Insurance and Industrial Injuries Fund [to 1808/1]
1743 - Chief Secretary's Office: Infanticide: proposed legislation to deal with infanticide; The Infanticide and Infant Life (Preservation) Bill 1938 [from 22450/1]
1744 - Chief Secretary's Office: Inheritance Acts: The Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1938 (Imperial Parliament)
1745 - Chief Secretary's Office: Information Bureaus: The Isle of Man Citizens Advice Bureau
1746 - Chief Secretary's Office: Indemnity: The Registration of Deeds Bill 1946, Bill of Indemnity
1747 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: proposal that the Manx Legislature should become members of the Magistrates Association [to 1901/6]
1748 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: The Problem of Punishment
1749 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: Administration of Justice Bill 1947
1750 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: Rules of Court made under the Administration of Justice Act 1948
1751 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: Administration of Justice Bill 1949
1752 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justices of the Peace: Rules of Court made under the Administration of Justice Act 1949
1753 - Chief Secretary's Office: Judicature Acts: Rules of Court under the Judicature Amendment Act 1935
1754 - Chief Secretary's Office: Judicature Acts: The Judicature Amendment Bill 1937 [from 25014/1]
1755 - Chief Secretary's Office: Judicature Acts: The Judicature (Reports of Judicial Proceedings) Bill 1937
1756 - Chief Secretary's Office: Judicature Acts: Rules of Court under the Judicature Amendment Act 1921
1757 - Chief Secretary's Office: Juries: Manx Jury System - The Jury Bill 1949
1758 - Chief Secretary's Office: Juries: The Jury (Amendment) Bill 1940
1759 - Chief Secretary's Office: Juries: Juries Bill 1949 and Act (Imperial Parliament)
1760 - Chief Secretary's Office: Juries: The Jury Bill 1950
1761 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: arrangements for the transportation of books etc to and from Court
1762 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: duties etc of the Attorney General [from 22542/5]
1763 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: The Criminal Evidence Bill 1946, evidence in criminal cases
1764 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: purchase of law reports etc from the Attorney General
1765 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: proposal that Isle of Man Government should purchase a set of law reports for use at Ramsey Court House
1766 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: purchase of a set of criminal appeal reports for the Attorney General's Office
1767 - Chief Secretary's Office: Justice - administration: administration of Justice by Magistrates
1768 - Chief Secretary's Office: Legislative - insular: The Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Bill 1936
1769 - Chief Secretary's Office: Legislative - insular: position of the Deemsters
1770 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: Order constituting the Lonan Refuse Disposal District
1771 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: Order constituting Braddan Refuse Disposal District
1772 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: Douglas Corporation (Braddan and Onchan) Drainage Bill 1947
1773 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: functions of the Local Government Board under the Town and Country Planning Acts
1774 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: Order constituting Crosby and Marown Disposal District
1775 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Board: Order constituting Rushen Special Refuse Disposal District No. 1
1776 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government Bill 1936
1777 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: bye-laws made by the Douglas Corporation regulating the conduct of proprietors and drivers of stage coaches and hackney carriages in Douglas
1778 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government Amendment Bill 1936
1779 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government Amendment (Omnibus) Bill 1936
1780 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Removal of Refuse) Bill 1937
1781 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: proposed legislation to provide for the extermination of rats
1782 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: proposed legislation to compel Commissioners to take over and maintain private streets made up by frontages; The Local Government (No. 3) Bill 1938
1783 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: proposed legislation regarding the repair of unadopted roads; The Local Government (No. 2) Bill 1939
1784 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: byelaws for preventing waste misuse, undue consumption and contamination of the public water supplies
1785 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Open Spaces) Bill 1938
1786 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Douglas Squares Bill 1938
1787 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: proposed amendment of the Local Government Acts
1788 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Amendment) Bill 1944
1789 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: Local Government Bill 1946
1790 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: Local Government (Administration) Commission; The Local Government (Boundary Commission) Bill 1945
1791 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Boundaries and other Provisions) Bill 1949
1792 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: Local Government Bill 1947
1793 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: Local Government (Building Byelaws) Bill 1949
1794 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Parking Places) Bill 1949
1795 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: Local Government (Drivers and Conductors Licences) Bill 1949 and Act 1950
1796 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government Bill 1950
1797 - Chief Secretary's Office: Local Government Acts: The Local Government (Sale of Land) Bill 1950
1798 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: Sulby River drainage [to D1305/3]
1799 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: financial provisions [from 21043/1/8]
1800 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: drainage and development of the central valley between Douglas and Peel
1801 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: amendment of the Land Drainage Act 1934 [from 21043/1/1]
1802 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: proposed amendment of the Land Drainage Acts, The Land Drainage Amendment Bill 1940
1803 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: scheme for the assistance of agricultural drainage
1804 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: inclusion of Silverburn River catchment area in second schedule, Land Drainage Act 1934
1805 - Chief Secretary's Office: Land drainage: draining of the Curraghs
1806 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans - National: payment of interest and investment of Sinking Funds [from 22745/3 and 3/1]
1807 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans - National: payment of interest and investment of Sinking Funds [from 22745/3 and 3/1]
1808 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans - National: payment of interest and investment of Sinking Fund [from 22745/3 and 3/1 to I 1808/3]
1809 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: raising of money by loan for financing the Red Pier extension works [from 22745/1]
1810 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: Isle of Man Government 3.5% loan 1953-83 [from 212745/2]
1811 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: investment of Sinking Funds of loans to Local Authorities and Boards of Tynwald
1812 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: raising of loans by Isle of Man Government
1813 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans - National: raising of a loan
1814 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: Isle of Man Government 4.5% stock 1942-1982
1815 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: loans to local authorities
1816 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans - National: raising of a loan for the payment of War Contribution to His Majesty's Government
1817 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: raising of a loan of £500,000 as a third contribution to HM Government
1818 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: war contribution loans free of interest to HM Government; The Income Tax Appropriation (No. 2) Bill 1943
1819 - Chief Secretary's Office: Loans: low interest loans for public authorities to carry out public works (including houses)
1820 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: Report of the Licensing Commission [from 22747/2/1]
1821 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing (Onchan) Bill 1936 [from 22747/6]
1822 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing (Registration of Clubs and Amendment) Bill 1936 [from 20474/1]
1823 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: suggested amendment of the Licensing (Registration of Clubs) Amendment Bill 1936
1824 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing (Laxey) Bill 1937
1825 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: proposed legislation to provide for intoxicating liquor sold by Imperial Measure [from 19746/3]
1826 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing Amendment Act 1942
1827 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: Orders made by His Excellency under The Licensing Amendment Act 1942
1828 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing Amendment Bill 1943
1829 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing Amendment Act 1943, Orders made by His Excellency altering the closing hours for licensed premises
1830 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing (War Emergency Fees) Repeal Bill 1944 - proposed amendment of the Licensing Acts to provide for: 1. restoration of pre-war licensing fees; 2. intoxicating liquor licences to cover sale of British wines
1831 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Intoxicating Liquor (Sale to Persons under Eighteen) Bill 1944, proposed legislation regarding persons under 18 purchasing intoxicating liquor
1832 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: The Licensing Bill 1947 [from 27747/22]
1833 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: Licensing Consolidation Bill 1948
1834 - Chief Secretary's Office: Licensing Acts: Order made by His Excellency under the Licensing Consolidation Act 1949 reducing the permitted minimum amount of spirits sellable by retail liquor licensees
1835 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: The Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1938
1836 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943
1837 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Bill 1945
1838 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Bill 1949 (Isle of Man) and 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
1839 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: Judicature (Matrimonial Causes) Bill 1950; Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1949; Act 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1840 - Chief Secretary's Office: Law reform: Matrimonial Causes Bill 1950
1841 - Chief Secretary's Office: Limitation Acts: The Limitation Act 1938 (Imperial Parliament)
1842 - Chief Secretary's Office: Limitation Acts: Statute of Limitations
1843 - Chief Secretary's Office: Labour: proposed setting up of a Port Authority
1844 - Chief Secretary's Office: Labour: Isle of Man Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Bill 1946
1845 - Chief Secretary's Office: Larceny: The Larceny Bill 1946
1846 - Chief Secretary's Office: Landlord and Tenant Act: Interim Report of the Landlord and Tenant Commission
1847 - Chief Secretary's Office: Landlord and Tenant Act: Report of the Landlord and Tenant Commission regarding tenancies of business premises
1848 - Chief Secretary's Office: Landlord and Tenant Act: Tenancy of Business Premises Bill 1949; Bill 1950
1849 - Chief Secretary's Office: Landlord and Tenant Act: Rent Restrictions Bill 1950 (Act), Landlord and Tenant (Rent Control) Bill 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1850 - Chief Secretary's Office: Miscellaneous: refusal of certain employees of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company to proceed to Dunkirk
1851 - Chief Secretary's Office: Miscellaneous: Royal Sturgeons caught in Manx Waters
1852 - Chief Secretary's Office: Maintenance Orders: proposed increase in maximum amounts payable under Married Womens Protection Acts, Married Persons Protection Bill 1947
1853 - Chief Secretary's Office: Maintenance Orders: Maintenance Orders Bill 1949
1854 - Chief Secretary's Office: Maintenance Orders: The Married Women (Maintenance) Bill 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1855 - Chief Secretary's Office: Post Office: The Telegraph Bill 1949 (Imperial Parliament)
1856 - Chief Secretary's Office: Museum: The Ancient Monuments Preservation Bill 1938
1857 - Chief Secretary's Office: Museum: Manx Museum and Art Gallery Bill 1946
1858 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: The Merchant Shipping Bill 1937
1859 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: The Merchant Shipping (Salvage) Bill 1940
1860 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: The Merchant Shipping (Wireless Telegraphy) Rules 1938 (Imperial Parliament)
1861 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: Merchant Shipping Bill 1948 (Imperial Parliament)
1862 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: The Mines and Quarries Regulation Bill 1949
1863 - Chief Secretary's Office: Merchant Shipping Acts: regulations, rules and orders made under the Mines and Quarries Regulation Act 19-
1864 - Chief Secretary's Office: Mental Diseases Act: REDACTED FILE TITLE
1865 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: The Matrimonial Causes Act 1937
1866 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: administration of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1937
1867 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: Rules of Court made under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1937
1868 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: The Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) Bill 1944 and Act 1944; Matrimonial Causes (War Marriages) Act 1946
1869 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: The Marriage Bill 1946
1870 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: Marriage (Enabling) Bill 1949
1871 - Chief Secretary's Office: Marriage Acts: Colonial and Other Territories (Divorce Jurisdiction) Bill 1950
1872 - Chief Secretary's Office: Music: Baume (Musical) Scholarship [to M 2214/1]
1873 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: The Naturalisation Regulations 1943
1874 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: The British Nationality and Status of Aliens Bill 1957 (Imperial Parliament)
1875 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: The British Nationality and Status of Aliens Bill 1943
1876 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: application for certificate of naturalisation by Doctor Hans Rose (Austrian)
1877 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: application for certificate of naturalisation by Miss I.H.J. Rose (Austrian)
1878 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: The British Nationality Act 1948; The British Nationality Bill 1948
1879 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: The British Nationality (Fees) Bill 1949
1880 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: administration of British Nationality (Fees) Act 1949; British Nationality (Fees) Regulations 1949
1881 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: application for a certificate of naturalisation Willy Georg Jorgenson (Danish)
1882 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nationality: Don Leonida Giovannelli
1883 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants for nursing associations [from 21663/3]
1884 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grant to a Peel Nursing Association
1885 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Central Rural District Nursing Association
1886 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Lezayre, Maughold and Bride Rural District Nursing Association
1887 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Southern District Nursing Association
1888 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the H.B. Noble Ramsey Nursing Association
1889 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the South Douglas Nursing Association
1890 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Lonan and Laxey Nursing Association
1891 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Onchan and North Douglas Nursing Association
1892 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Northern Rural District Nursing Association
1893 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Castletown District Nursing Association
1894 - Chief Secretary's Office: Nursing Associations: grants to the Southern Rural District Nursing Association
1895 - Chief Secretary's Office: National defence: contribution to the Imperial Government towards the cost of rearmament programme
1896 - Chief Secretary's Office: National defence: suggested contribution towards the cost of the war from the Isle of Man to the Imperial Government
1897 - Chief Secretary's Office: National Trust: The National Trust Bill 1937
1898 - Chief Secretary's Office: National Trust: The National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty
1899 - Chief Secretary's Office: Navy: Services Cadet Units
1900 - Chief Secretary's Office: National Service: The National Service Act 1947
1901 - Chief Secretary's Office: National Service: The National Service Act 1948; The National Service (Amendment) Act 1948; The National Service (Isle of Man) Order 1949
1902 - Chief Secretary's Office: National Service: Orders and regulations made under the National Service Act 1948 (as applied to the Isle of Man by the National Service (Isle of Man) Order 1949)
1903 - Chief Secretary's Office: Onchan village extension: The Onchan Village District (Differential Rating) Bill 1937
1904 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: dismissal of Constable H.S. Gelling
1905 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: proposed dismissal of Constable E.K. Skillicorn
1906 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: REDACTED FILE TITLE
1907 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: REDACTED FILE TITLE
1908 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: Police Kiosks Scheme
1909 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: Police library
1910 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: conditions of loan of detectives from Scotland Yard
1911 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: duties of the Harbour Police and the Isle of Man Constabulary
1912 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: Police Officers pensions
1913 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: police superannuation. proposed contributory scheme
1914 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: police superannuation. proposed contributory scheme
1915 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: police superannuation. proposed contributory scheme
1916 - Chief Secretary's Office: Police: adoption of English regulations by the Isle of Man Constabulary
1917 - Chief Secretary's Office: Prison: regulations for the Prison Officers
1918 - Chief Secretary's Office: Port St Mary Estate Act: The Port St Mary Estate Bill 1936
1919 - Chief Secretary's Office: Printing: revised index to the Manx Statutes
1920 - Chief Secretary's Office: Printing: printing contracts
1921 - Chief Secretary's Office: Printing: reporting and printing of the debates of the Legislature
1922 - Chief Secretary's Office: Printing and publications: revised statutes
1923 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The Widows, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Amendment Bill 1936
1924 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: retirement from industry at the age of 65 of insured workers [from 23081/7]
1925 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: reciprocal arrangements between the Isle of Man and England for the payment of Old Age Pensions [from 23328/7]
1926 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: reciprocal arrangements between the Isle of Man and England for the payment of non-contributory Old Age Pensions
1927 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: contributory pensions - Isle of Man Reciprocal Arrangements Regulations 1943 Isle of Man and Great Britain
1928 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The Pensions and Determination of Needs Bill 1943 [from 28328/5]
1929 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: reciprocal arrangements with Northern Ireland for the payment of contributory pensions [see also 28328/5/2]
1930 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc:The Old Age Pension Act 1936 (Imperial Parliament)
1931 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc:The Widows, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions (Voluntary Contributions) Bill 1937 (Imperial Parliament)
1932 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: pensions for spinsters
1933 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The Widows, Orphans and Old Age Pensions Bill 1938
1934 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The Old Age and Widows Pensions Act 1940, suggested supplementary pensions to Old Age Pensions
1935 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: financial arrangements for the payment of supplementary pensions
1936 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: regulations made by the Health Insurance and Pensions Board on supplementary pensions
1937 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: administration expenses of the Widows, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill
1938 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The Supplementary Pensions (Determinations) Rules 1940
1939 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: suggestion to increase supplementary pension
1940 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: report by the Health Insurance and Pensions Board on the inception and operation of the Old Age and Widows Pensions Act 1940
1941 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: The National Health Insurance (Disabled Persons) Supplementary Benefit Bill 1945, particulars recorded of disabled persons, provision for incapacitated persons over 50 years
1942 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: determination of needs in respect of applicants for: a. unemployment assistance and/or; b. supplementary pensions
1943 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Regulations made under the Supplementary Pensions (Determination of Needs) Act 1941
1944 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: National Health Insurance, Contributory Pensions and Workmens Compensation Bill 1941
1945 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: police widow's pensions
1946 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: investment of the Funds standing to the credit of the Special Voluntary Pensions Account [from 18322/9 - 23324/7]
1947 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: investment of Contributory Pensions Account
1948 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: system for administering the Widows, Orphans etc Contributory Pensions Act 1928
1949 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Unification of Payment of Pensions Scheme
1950 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Pensions Increase Bill 1944
1951 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Pensions (Increase) Bill 1944 and 1947
1952 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Pensions (Increase) Bill 1944
1953 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: Application of Pensions (Increase) Act 1944 (Imperial Parliament) to civil service pensioners
1954 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: National Health Insurance and Contributory Pensions (Removal Disqualifications) Bill 1945
1955 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pensions - Old Age etc: proposed scheme of additional benefit for certain persons in receipt of war disability pensions or widows war pensions - Report of Committee on National Health Insurance
1956 - Chief Secretary's Office: Poor Relief Acts: Report of the Poor Law Commission
1957 - Chief Secretary's Office: Patents and designs: The Patents etc (International Conventions) Bill (Imperial Parliament); The Merchandise Marks Bill 1936
1958 - Chief Secretary's Office: Patents and designs: The Patents and Designs (Limits of Time) Bill 1939 (Imperial Parliament)
1959 - Chief Secretary's Office: Patents and designs: The Patents and Designs Bill 1941
1960 - Chief Secretary's Office: Patents and designs: The Patents and Designs Bill 1946
1961 - Chief Secretary's Office: Pilotage: The Pilotage Authorities (Limitations of Liability) Bill 1936
1962 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: The Treaty of Peace (Covenant of the League of Nations) Order 1936
1963 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: Treaties of Peace (Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland)
1964 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: agreement between UK and French Republic for the settlement of inter-custodial conflicts regarding German assets
1965 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: trade and finance agreement between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Poland - agreement relating to money and property (Poland). Exchange of notes - release of money
1966 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: exchange of notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Ireland and the Egyptian Government establishing equality of treatment in regard to War Damage compensation
1967 - Chief Secretary's Office: Peace treaties etc: Treaty of Membership between United Kingdom, Nepal
1968 - Chief Secretary's Office: Precedence of Officials: order of official precedence - position of the Archdeacon
1969 - Chief Secretary's Office: Precedence of Officials: order of official precedence
1970 - Chief Secretary's Office: Property Law of - Acts: Law of Property Act Commission
1971 - Chief Secretary's Office: Property Law of - Acts: Married Women (Restraint upon Anticipation) Act 1949
1972 - Chief Secretary's Office: Photographs: photograph of Chief Secretary's Office staff [no photograph in file]
1973 - Chief Secretary's Office: Post War: proposed acquisition of the Douglas Head Marine Drive
1974 - Chief Secretary's Office: Post War: Douglas Head, Marine Drive
1975 - Chief Secretary's Office: Post War: financial arrangements for the Douglas Head, Marine Drive
1976 - Chief Secretary's Office: Public Analyst: duties of the Public Analyst
1977 - Chief Secretary's Office: Partnership: Rules made under section 59 of the Partnership Act 1909
1978 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: proposed construction of bye-pass road between Alexandra Road and the Red Gap, Castletown
1979 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: widening of the Glencrutchery Road, Douglas [from 23921/8]
1980 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: conveyance of King Edward Road to the Insular Government by the Groudle Glen and Hotel Company [from 23921/3/]
1981 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: reconstruction etc of King Edward Road [from 23921/3]
1982 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: schedule of main roads, Borough of Douglas [from 23921/4]
1983 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants to urban areas for reconstruction of local roads and footpaths
1984 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants to Douglas Corporation for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths
1985 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths, Ramsey
1986 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths in the town of Castletown
1987 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths, Peel
1988 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths, Port Erin
1989 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: grants for the reconstruction of local roads and footpaths, Port St Mary
1990 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: repair and reconstruction of unadopted roads in Onchan
1991 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: suggested increase in Governments contribution towards urban roads
1992 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: proposed new road from Douglas Head to Castletown Road [see also R2704/4]
1993 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: proposed reconstruction of Queens Pier Road and Seamount Road, Ramsey
1994 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: proposed restoration of road leading from the Mooragh Promenade along the shore to the Bride Road
1995 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: repair and reconstruction of unadopted roads in Port Erin
1996 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: application for Government assistance for the lighting of main roads in village districts in the island
1997 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: Blackboards, Bridge Corner
1998 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: clearance of roads blocked by snow
1999 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: condition of road at Park Llewellyn, Maughold
2000 - Chief Secretary's Office: Roads: making up of roads in Garden City
2001 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rolls Office: The Filing of Statutory Documents Bill 1937
2002 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rolls Office: storing of documents etc in Rolls Office Library
2003 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rolls Office: proposed increase of fees charged in Rolls Office [from 23929/1
2004 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rolls Office: micro-filming of records
2005 - Chief Secretary's Office: Registrar - general: The National Registration Bill 1939
2006 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rifle Shooting: long range shooting at Balnahow
2007 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rifle Shooting: financial assistance towards the Isle of Man Rifle Shooting Scheme
2008 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rates Acts: The Rates Bill 1938
2009 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rates Acts: commission on revaluation of rateable properties
2010 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rates Acts: Reports submitted by the Valuation and Rent Control Commission on valuation of property
2011 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rent Restriction Acts: Report of the Valuation and Rent Control Commission on rent control, The Rent Restrictions Bill 1947
2012 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rent Restriction Acts: Local Government Board memorandum on rent control in the Isle of Man
2013 - Chief Secretary's Office: Rent Restriction Acts: Rules under the Rent Restriction Act 1948
2014 - Chief Secretary's Office: Registry of Deeds: appointment of J.R. Cannan, applications for position of Assistant Clerk in Registry of Deeds
2015 - Chief Secretary's Office: Representation of the Poor: The Representation of the Poor Bill 1945 Act 1945 (Imperial Parliament)
2016 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: minute of the Council of Education adopting the English Board of Education. Teachers Superannuation (Employers Contributions) Rules 1928
2017 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Teachers (Superannuation) Act 1937 (Imperial Parliament)
2018 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: minute by Council of Education adopting the Board of Education Teachers Superannuation Amendment Rules 1937
2019 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation of teachers under the Empire Scheme for interchange of teachers
2020 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: calculation of salary on which superannuation contributions and allowances are based (direction of Board of Education)
2021 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: minute of the Council of Education adopting the Amendment of Rules made by the Ministry of Education
2022 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Teachers Superannuation (King William's College) Scheme 1948
2023 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation Act 1935 [from 24141/17]
2024 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: application of the Superannuation Act 1935 (Imperial Parliament) to the Isle of Man Civil Service
2025 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934. His Excellency's approval to officers being declared pensionable [from 24141/6/3]
2026 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934. His Excellency's approval to officers being declared pensionable
2027 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934. His Excellency's approval to officers being declared pensionable
2028 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934. His Excellency's approval to officers being declared pensionable [to S2803/2]
2029 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934 - payment over to General
2030 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Scheme 1934 [to S2803/2]
2031 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Bill 1939
2032 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Amendment Scheme 1939
2033 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Superannuation (Officers of Boards) Bill 1944
2034 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: The Local Authorities Officers (Superannuation) Regulations [from 24141/9]
2035 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: reciprocal arrangements between the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom in connection with the superannuation of local authorities officers
2036 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation (English Local Government and Isle of Man) interchange reciprocal arrangements between Isle of Man and the United Kingdom in connection with the superannuation of local authorities officers
2037 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Douglas Corporation Superannuation Scheme 1936
2038 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: superannuation reciprocity between the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom under the National Health Service Act
2039 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Superannuation (Reciprocity) Bill 1949
2040 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Manx civil servants superannuation
2041 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Rules made under the Superannuation Act 1938
2042 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Superannuation (War Service) Regulations 1948 - inclusion of war service as unestablished service for the purpose of the Superannuation Acts
2043 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: suggested Widows and Orphans Pensions Scheme for officers of the Isle of Man Government, Report of Commission on Civil Service (Widows and Orphans) pensions proposal
2044 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: School Teachers Superannuation Bill [1948] 1949 and The School Teachers (Superannuation) Bill 1950
2045 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: claim by Isle of Man Health Services Board in respect of the Mental Hospital under section 94 Mental Diseases Act
2046 - Chief Secretary's Office: Superannuation: Superannuation of Doctors and Services (Isle of Man) Act 1948
2047 - Chief Secretary's Office: Salaries: extension of service and increase in salary of Mr B.E. Sargeaunt, Government Secretary
2048 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours Act: The Shop Hours Amendment Bill 1938
2049 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours Act: proposed legislation to clarify the present position regarding shop hours
2050 - Chief Secretary's Office: Shop Hours Act: administration of the Shops (Sunday Trading Restrictions) Act 1939
2051 - Chief Secretary's Office: Summary Procedure Act: The Summary Procedure (Domestic Proceedings) Act 1937 (Imperial Parliament)
2052 - Chief Secretary's Office: Summary Procedure Act: Summary Jurisdiction (Process) Act 1881 - reciprocal arrangements with England for the enforcement of summonses [from 19149/1]
2053 - Chief Secretary's Office: Summary Procedure Act: The Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction Bill 1945, 1. increase in maximum penalty for indecent exposure; 2. position of police in relation to common assault proceedings
2054 - Chief Secretary's Office: Summary Procedure Act: amendments of the Petty Sessions and Summary Jurisdiction Acts
2055 - Chief Secretary's Office: Survey - Ordnance: Ordnance survey of the Isle of Man
2056 - Chief Secretary's Office: Survey - Ordnance: Land Utilisation Survey maps of the Isle of Man
2057 - Chief Secretary's Office: Survey - Ordnance: preservation of aerial photographs of the Island
2058 - Chief Secretary's Office: Survey - Ordnance: changes in administrative boundaries
2059 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The Ministry of Social Insurance Bill 1945
2060 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance Scheme
2061 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance Scheme
2062 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Bill 1945 and Act 1946 (Imperial Parliament)
2063 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Isle of Man No. 2 Bill 1948
2064 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Collection of Contributions) Regulations 1949
2065 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Claims and Payments Regulations 1949
2066 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Determination of Claims and Questions) Regulations 1949
2067 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Medical Certification) Regulations 1949
2068 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Benefit) Regulations 1949
2069 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) (Insurable and Excepted Employments) Regulations 1949 [see also N2304/4]
2070 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: reciprocity of industrial injuries schemes between United Kingdom and Denmark
2071 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Isle of Man) Bill 1947, proposed National Insurance and Social Services Scheme
2072 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: reciprocal arrangements between Isle of Man and United Kingdom under the National Insurance Act 1946 and the National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act 1946
2073 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: reciprocal arrangements between the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland under the National Insurance Act and National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act
2074 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: effect of National Insurance on deduction from Sick Pay Regulations for Isle of Man Civil Service
2075 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Non-contributory Pensions) Regulations 1948
2076 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: amendment of the National Insurance (Isle of Man) Act Matters for consideration National Insurance Act 1949
2077 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Modification of Teachers Pensions) (Isle of Man) Regulations 1948
2078 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Isle of Man) (Modification of the Superannuation Act) Regulations 1948
2079 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance and Civil Service (Superannuation) Rules 1948
2080 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: payments by the Board of Social Services in respect of the Employment Exchange and Revenue Office under the National Insurance Act
2081 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance pensions payable to Imperial civil servants in the Isle of Man
2082 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Pensions, Existing Beneficiaries and Other Persons) (Transitional) Regulations 1949
2083 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Pensions, Existing Contributors) (Transitional) Regulations 1949
2084 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1949
2085 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Contributions) Regulations 1949
2086 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Maternity Benefit) Regulations 1949
2087 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Determination of Claims and Questions) Regulations 1949
2088 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Widows Benefit and Retirement Pensions) Regulations 1949
2089 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Medical Certifications) Regulations 1949
2090 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Residence and Persons Abroad) Regulations 1949
2091 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The National Insurance (Unemployment and Sickness Benefit) Regulations 1949
2092 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Insurance (Sickness Benefit, Maternity Benefit and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Transitional) Regulations 1949
2093 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: The Social Services Bill 1947
2094 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: Rules of procedure of the Charity Commissioners in terms of section 6 of the Social Services Act 1948
2095 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: Isle of Man Board of Social Services Bill 1947
2096 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: National Assistance Bill 1947; National Assistance Act 1948; National Assistance Act 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
2097 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: Assistance Bill 1949; National Assistance (Isle of Man) Bill 1950
2098 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: agreement on social security between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
2099 - Chief Secretary's Office: Social Insurance: training of mentally defective children
2100 - Chief Secretary's Office: Statutory Orders: Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Bill (Imperial Parliament)
2101 - Chief Secretary's Office: Statutory Orders: Statutory Instruments Bill Act 1946 (Imperial Parliament)
2102 - Chief Secretary's Office: Statutory Orders: application of Imperial legislation to the Isle of Man by Order in Council
2103 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: votes and proceedings
2104 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: votes and proceedings
2105 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: votes and proceedings [to T2901/3]
2106 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: suggested regular meetings of Tynwald
2107 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: position of the Deemsters at Tynwald
2108 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Ceremony, St Johns 1945, arrangements
2109 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: proposed appointment of a committee to consider arrangements for meetings of Tynwald at St Johns
2110 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Statutory Time Bill 1948
2111 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: suggested improvements at Tynwald Ceremony
2112 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: use of Tynwald Court Chamber as a Law court
2113 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: proposal that Tynwald Day be recognised as a public holiday
2114 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Isle of Man Constitution Bill 1949
2115 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Tynwald Proceedings Bill 1950
2116 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: financial procedure
2117 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: applications for permission for photographs to be taken of Tynwald
2118 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: copies of questions and resolutions asked in Tynwald
2119 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Interpretation Bill 1947
2120 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: circulation of reports to Members of Tynwald
2121 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Inquiries (Evidence) Bill 1948
2122 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: Members of Tynwald (Disqualifications) Act 1930
2123 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tynwald Court: His Excellency's congratulations to members of the Legislature on 30 years continuous service
2124 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning (Development Schemes) Regulations 1936
2125 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning (General Interim Development) Order 1936
2126 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning (Interim Development) Regulations 1936, made by His Excellency
2127 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning (Interim Development) Regulations 1937, made by His Excellency
2128 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning (General Interim Development) Order 1937
2129 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Town and Country Planning Amendment Bill 19[- -]
2130 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Provisional Order of Development Board, Douglas Planning Scheme No. 1 New Street Area
2131 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Provisional Order of Development Board entitled Douglas No. 2 (Ballakermeen and Ballabrooie Estates) Planning Scheme
2132 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Provisional Order of Development Board, entitled The Douglas No. 3 Planning Scheme (Ballakermeen and Ballabrooie Estates)
2133 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Report of the War Committee of Tynwald on the reconstitution of the Development Board
2134 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning Bill 1945
2135 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: proposed order compelling Boards of Tynwald to lodge plans and particulars of proposed buildings with the Development Board
2136 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Island survey and suggested planning
2137 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: The Town and Country Planning Bill 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
2138 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Dalby - Air Ministry Radio Station site
2139 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Cregneash - Ministry of Civil Aviation, L.F. Adcock Radio Range
2140 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: Snaefell - Ministry of Civil Aviation, V.H.F. T/R Station
2141 - Chief Secretary's Office: Town Planning Acts: control of caravans
2142 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: The Trustee Bill 1936
2143 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: The Trustee Bill 193[-]
2144 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: The Trustee Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1938
2145 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: The Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1945. Investment of funds of saving banks and trustees investments in Northern Ireland Government and Government guaranteed securities
2146 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts:Trustee Savings Banks Bill 1946 Act 1947 (Imperial Parliament)
2147 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: Trustee Bill 1947 to amend sections 21-24 of the Trustee Act 1903
2148 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trustee Acts: The Savings Banks Bill 1948
2149 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: 1. The Trade Disputes Bill 1936; 2. The Trade Disputes (Regulations) Bill 1936
2150 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: making of rules by His Excellency under the Trade Disputes Acts
2151 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: registration of agreements entered into between public authorities and their employees
2152 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: registration of agreements entered into between public authorities and their employees
2153 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: arrangements made for publication of section 8(1) of the Trade Disputes Act
2154 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: facilities for taxis on the Edward Pier
2155 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: proposal to regulate trade unions in the Isle of Man
2156 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: transport of men from Douglas to Scarlett
2157 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade disputes: The Trade Disputes (Repeal) Bill 1946
2158 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade Marks: The Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 1936 (Imperial Parliament)
2159 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade Marks: use of Manx Trade Marks
2160 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: international convention regarding motor traffic [from 22964/1]
2161 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: byelaw of Douglas Corporation regarding regulation of traffic in Strand Street and Duke Street
2162 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: parking of motor cars
2163 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: proposed order prohibiting parking in Bowring Road, Ramsey
2164 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: Road Transport Lighting (Cycles) Bill 1944 (Imperial Parliament), use of parking lamps, The Road Traffic Amendment Bill 1946
2165 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: parking of motor vehicles in Port Erin
2166 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: use of Peel Promenade as a stand for charabancs etc
2167 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: bye-laws of Peel Town Commissioners regarding regulation of traffic in Castle Street and Market Street
2168 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: regulation of traffic in Douglas
2169 - Chief Secretary's Office: Traffic - motor: regulation of traffic on Peveril Road and Walpole Road, Peel
2170 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: treaties and conventions between the United Kingdom and foreign countries [from 24373/2]
2171 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: international conventions for the suppression of counterfeiting currency, The Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Bill 1938
2172 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: agreement between the United Kingdom and Eire
2173 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: Anglo-Chinese Consular Convention
2174 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: The Bretton Woods Agreements Bill 1945
2175 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
2176 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: Treaty of Establishment and navigation between the United Kingdom and Egypt
2177 - Chief Secretary's Office: Treaties: Anglo-Italian Commercial Treaty
2178 - Chief Secretary's Office: Transport, road and railway: copies of the Howden and Arnald reports on insular transport
2179 - Chief Secretary's Office: Transport, road and railway: International Conference on safety of life at sea 1947
2180 - Chief Secretary's Office: Trade: Monopoly (Inquiry and Control) Bill 1948 (Imperial Parliament)
2181 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tithes: reports by the Tithe Agent under the Tithe Commutation Amendment Act 1905
2182 - Chief Secretary's Office: Tithes: Tithe Bill 1949, redemption of 1/3 of Santon and Braddan Bacon Tithes
2183 - Chief Secretary's Office: Theatre: National Theatre Bill 1948
2184 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: liaison between the Employment Exchange and the Ministry of Labour and National Service
2185 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: proposed lodging allowance for Manxmen working on the mainland
2186 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: scheme for improving the river between Union Mills and Crosby
2187 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: scheme for improving the rivers
2188 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: scheme for improving the rivers in the out districts of the Island
2189 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: Safeguarding of Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1947
2190 - Chief Secretary's Office: Unemployment: position with regard to unemployment benefit under the National Insurance Act
2191 - Chief Secretary's Office: Uniform: uniform of the Lieutenant Governor and the Government Secretary
2192 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: The United Nations Act 1946
2193 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: United Nations Handbook on Housing and Town and Country Planning legislation
2194 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2195 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: Convention on Declaration of Death of Missing Persons
2196 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: Annual Epidemiological and Vital Statistics Report
2197 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: request from United Nations Organisation for legislation and administration regulations relevant to population trends
2198 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: United Nations convention on Freedom of Information
2199 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: United Nations Commission on the status of women; status of women in the civil service
2200 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: convention for the suppression of traffic in persons etc
2201 - Chief Secretary's Office: United Nations: international convention relating to economic statistics
2202 - Chief Secretary's Office: Veterinary Surgeons: suggested introduction into legislation of Bill on Rules of Imperial Veterinary Surgeons Act
2203 - Chief Secretary's Office: Veterinary Surgeons: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Draft Veterinary Surgeons Acts (Amendment) Bill
2204 - Chief Secretary's Office: Veterinary Surgeons: Veterinary Surgeons Bill
2205 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Northern water supply scheme [from 24741/13]
2206 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Northern water supply scheme [from 24741/13]
2207 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Northern Water Board
2208 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: provisional order of the Local Government Board constituency - the Northern Water Board
2209 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financing of the Northern Water Board
2210 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financing of the Northern Water Board
2211 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Maughold water supply
2212 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: provisional order of the Local Government Board extending the area of supply of the Northern Water Board
2213 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financial assistance towards cost of dam constructed by Northern Water Board to meet the needs of Royal Air Force
2214 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: improvement in the Rushen Water Boards supply [from 24741/2/3]
2215 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: payments to the Rushen Water Board
2216 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Order of the Local Government Board authorising the amalgamation of the Rushen Water Boards supply of water through the pipes of Castletown water supply
2217 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: assistance to the Rushen Water Board renewal of pipes
2218 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed southern water scheme
2219 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed southern water scheme
2220 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed southern water scheme
2221 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed southern water scheme
2222 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposal for the Southern Water Board to take over the Peel Water Company's' undertaking and the Crosby and St Johns undertakings
2223 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: application for further financial assistance for the Southern Water Board
2224 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed extension of the area of the Southern Water Board supply scheme
2225 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: supply by Douglas Corporation of area between Government House and Onchan
2226 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Union Mills water supply [from 24741/8]
2227 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Marown water supply and drainage [from 24741/1/1]
2228 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Laxey water supply [from 24741/3/1]
2229 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Order of Local Government Board extending the area of supply of the Michael Village Commissioners [from 214741/5/1]
2230 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Malew water supply [from 24741/7]
2231 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: provisional order of the Local Government Board extending the Ramsey Water Works Company's' area of supply into the parish of Maughold
2232 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: extension of Ramsey Water Works Company's' area of supply into the parish of Maughold, financial provisions
2233 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed appointment of water engineer for the Island
2234 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: bacteriological examination of public water supplies by the Public Analyst. The Water Companies Regulations Amendment Bill 1938
2235 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financial provision for new water and drainage schemes 1938-1938
2236 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Garwick water supply [from 24741/3]
2237 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed amendment of the Water Supply Acts
2238 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Order of the Local Government Board extending the Castletown Waterworks Company area of supply to include Ballabeg
2239 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Ballabeg water supply, financial provisions
2240 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: The Water (Supply) Amendment Bill 1938
2241 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: levying of water rate on premises in compulsory areas of supply
2242 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed legislation to enable the Local Government Board to make byelaws applicable to all Isle of Man water authorities
2243 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Ballaugh water supply scheme, financial provisions
2244 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Kirk Michael water supply
2245 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed joining up of certain of the Islands water systems
2246 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: proposed Island Water Board, Isle of Man Water Board
2247 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Isle of Man Water Board
2248 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: provisional order made by the Local Government Board for the constitution of an Isle of Man Water Board
2249 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financing of the Isle of Man Water Board
2250 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: accommodation for the Isle of Man Water Board, purchase of Electric House, Circular Road
2251 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Isle of Man Water Board, works for extending and improving water supplies
2252 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: provisional order of the Local Government Board to extend the area of supply of the Isle of Man Water Board
2253 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Annual Report of the Isle of Man Water Board for the year ending 31 Mar 1948, 1949 and 1950
2254 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: The Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1944
2255 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Peel water supply
2256 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: water supplies to farms
2257 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: Onchan - Upper Provisional Order of the Local Government Board extending the area of supply of the Douglas Corporation (from Birchley Terrace, Onchan to Hilberry)
2258 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: financing of water extensions
2259 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: water supply for Oakhill and Port Soderick districts
2260 - Chief Secretary's Office: Water supply: The Garwick Water (Amendment) Order 1950. Provisional Order made by Local Government Board extending the compulsory area of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Douglas, to Clay Head in the parish of Lonan
2261 - Chief Secretary's Office: Weights and measures: The Weights and Measures Bill 1936
2262 - Chief Secretary's Office: Weights and measures: Weights and Measures (Sale of Coal) Bill 1942
2263 - Chief Secretary's Office: Weights and measures: byelaws relating to the sale of coal
2264 - Chief Secretary's Office: Weights and measures: revivification of the standard weights and measures [to W3207/5]
2265 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wireless: erection of overhead electric cables in the vicinity of Ronaldsway
2266 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wireless: radio and radar aids to civil aviation
2267 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wireless: erection of wireless poles by Mr A Curphy
2268 - Chief Secretary's Office: War pensions: payment of grants to disabled ex-servicemen and women
2269 - Chief Secretary's Office: War pensions: Pensions Appeal Tribunals Bill 1948 (Imperial Parliament) Act 1949
2270 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: agreement between the Employers Federation and The Workers Union regarding general workers' wages [from 2476/3]
2271 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: trade dispute between Isle of Man Employers' Federation and Transport and General Workers' Union
2272 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: trade dispute between Isle of Man Employers' Federation and Transport and General Workers Union
2273 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: trade disputes between Isle of Man Employers Federation and Transport and General Workers Union
2274 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: Joint Industrial Council (for previous correspondence see 29746/1 (F 2))
2275 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: agreement on wages of technical staff by Douglas Corporation Electricity department [from 24746/7]
2276 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: agreement on wages of workmen employed by the Douglas Corporation Electricity department [from 24746/7]
2277 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: dispute regarding employment of non trade union by Penmaenmawr and Trinidad Lake Asphalt Company
2278 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: agreement on wages of workmen employed by the Ramsey Salt Works
2279 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: stevedores charges
2280 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wages of Isle of Man Railway Company's workmen [from 24746/6]
2281 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: agreement on wages of bakers, confectioners etc
2282 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wages agreement - court of enquiry
2283 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: complaint by Electrical Trades Union regarding agreement concerning employees at Douglas Corporation Electricity Works
2284 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wages agreement for plasterers
2285 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wages agreement for quayside workers
2286 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: Catering Wages Bill [to 1214/31]
2287 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wages agreements between the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Limited and the National Union of Seamen
2288 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: building trade - proposed holidays with pay for workmen. Also post-war reconstruction and apprenticeship thereto
2289 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: building trade
2290 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: workmen's wages paid by Boards of Tynwald and others [from 24746/1]
2291 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: Wages Councils Bill 1948
2292 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: The Wages Councils Bill 1947 [see also file 294746/19 for Imperial Parliament Bill and Act]
2293 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: trade dispute between the Transport department of the Douglas Corporation and the National Federation of Building Trade Operatives
2294 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: dispute between Amalgamated Engineering Union and R D Engineering Limited [see file 29746/16]
2295 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: dockers strikes, Liverpool Dock Strike - 28-6-1948 to 8-6-1949
2296 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: wage rates and working conditions for motor repairers - dispute between the Amalgamated Engineering Union and Isle of Man Motor Repair Employers
2297 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: Court of Inquiry - dispute between Douglas Corporation Transport department and Transport and General Workers Union
2298 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: report on strike by Douglas Corporations Bus and Tram Service on 16 Sep 1949
2299 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wages Agreements: Amalgamated Engineering Union regarding Douglas Gas Light Company
2300 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wrecks: wreck of S.S. Bradda in Mersey, assistance for dependents of victims
2301 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wrecks: reports on vessels going ashore round the coasts of the Island
2302 - Chief Secretary's Office: Wrecks: loss of S.S. Ben Seyr - assistance for dependents of victims
2303 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: war instructions
2304 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: general war instructions
2305 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Prisoner of War Camp at Howstrake, general arrangements - Royal Observer Corp in Isle of Man (arising out of civil defence duties)
2306 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Prisoner of War Camp at Howstrake - staff
2307 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Prisoner of War Camp at Howstrake, camp guard
2308 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: residence in the Island of relatives of internees and detainees
2309 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Royal Observer Corps in Isle of Man (arising out of civil defence duties) extracted from file 29749/97/3
2310 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Prisoner-of-War Camp at Bibaloe
2311 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Prisoner-of-War Camp for officers
2312 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: dietaries of Prisoner-of-Wars Camp
2313 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: proposed staffing of Prisoner-of-War Camp
2314 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: regulations governing the Rushen Detention Camp
2315 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: applications for release of men from detention camps
2316 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: correspondence with the German Emergency Committee and the Society of Friends and other voluntary organisations regarding aliens interned in the Isle of Man
2317 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: arrangements for the burial of deceased internees
2318 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: burial of deceased internees from the Rushen Internment Camp
2319 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: transfer of the male camps from the War Office to the Home Office
2320 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: issue of token bank notes for use in the internment camps
2321 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: arms and ammunition at Police Station, Douglas
2322 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Flour and Bread Order 1939
2323 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Flour and Bread Order 1939
2324 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Flour and Bread Order 1939
2325 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Flour and Bread Orders
2326 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Flour and Bread Orders
2327 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Flour and Bread Order 1944
2328 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: [Loyal Manx Association]
2329 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Cunningham's Camp, 1. proposed convalescent centre 2. accommodation for boys from naval training establishments
2330 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: naval training establishment for boys at Howstrake Camp
2331 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: acquisition of property etc for the Admiralty
2332 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: acquisition of property etc for the Admiralty
2333 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: acquisition of property etc for the Admiralty
2334 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: acquisition of Ballakermeen School by the Admiralty
2335 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: disposal of Royal Naval Sick Quarters, Glencrutchery Road, Douglas
2336 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Emergency Powers (Defence) (Acquisition of Securities) (Isle of Man) Order 1939
2337 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: transfer of Regent and Granville Camps from the Home Office to the Admiralty
2338 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: transfer of Central Camp from the Air Ministry to the Admiralty
2339 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: transfer of Palace Camp to War Office
2340 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: wayleaves for the Admiralty
2341 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Home Guard
2342 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: provision of equipment for the Local Defence Volunteer Force
2343 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Defence (Home Guard) Regulations
2344 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Courts (Emergency Powers) Bill
2345 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Emergency Powers (Defence) Bill 1939, The Defence Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939
2346 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Amendment of the Defence Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939
2347 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: amendment of the Defence Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939
2348 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations
2349 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations
2350 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations
2351 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations
2352 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Defence Regulations (Reciprocal Enforcement) Order 1940
2353 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations on Special Subjects
2354 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Defence (Burial, Inquests and Registration of Deaths) Regulations 1942
2355 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence (Price Control) Regulations
2356 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: National Service (Armed Forces) Bill 1939
2357 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: National Service (Armed Forces) Bill 1939
2358 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Bill 1939
2359 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Ships and Aircraft (Transfer Restriction)
2360 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Patents, Designs, Copyright and Trade Marks (Emergency) Bill
2361 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Compulsory Military Service Bill 1939
2362 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Compulsory Military Service Bill 1939
2363 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Bill 1939
2364 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: War Risks Insurance Bill 1939 (Imperial Parliament)
2365 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: War Risks Insurance Bill 1939
2366 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: war insurance of stocks of commodities held for the Insular Government
2367 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Bill 1939
2368 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Administration of Justice (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1939
2369 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Landlord and Tenant (War Damage) Act 1939
2370 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Public Authorities Staffs (War Service) Bill 1939
2371 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: administration of the Public Authorities Staffs (War Service) Act 1939
2372 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Teachers Superannuation (War Service) Bill
2373 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The National Health Insurance and Contributory Pensions (Emergency Provisions) Bill
2374 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Liability for War Damage (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
2375 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The House of Keys (Removal of Disqualification) Bill 1939
2376 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Emergency (Local Conditions) Bill 1939
2377 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Emergency (Local Conditions) Bill 1940
2378 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Execution of Trusts (Emergency Provisions) Act 1939
2379 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Official Secrets Act 1939 [from 11344/11/1]
2380 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies (Emergency Relief from Forfeiture) Bill 1940
2381 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Societies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1940 (Imperial Parliament)
2382 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1940
2383 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Emergency Powers (Defence) (No 2) Bill 1940
2384 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1943
2385 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: application of Treachery Act 1940 of Imperial Parliament to Isle of Man
2386 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Superannuation Schemes (War Service) Act 1940
2387 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Charities Bill 1941
2388 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Charities Regulations 1941
2389 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: applications to His Excellency for decision whether a charity is a war charity
2390 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: enforcement of the provisions of the War Charities Act 1941
2391 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: War Damage Bill 1940
2392 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Compensation) Bill 1941
2393 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Compensation) Bill 1941
2394 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: administration of the War Damage (Compensation) Act 1941
2395 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Notification and Claims) Regulations 1942
2396 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (General) Regulations 1942
2397 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Business Scheme) Order 1942
2398 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Private Chattels Scheme) Order 1942
2399 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage to Goods (General) Regulation 1942
2400 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: explanatory memorandum regarding the Isle of Man War Damage Act 1941
2401 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Advisory Committee under the War Damage Act
2402 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: insurance under the War Damage Act of furniture in requisitioned houses
2403 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: proposal to refund a proportion of the contributions paid after the cessation of hostilities
2404 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage Amendment Bill 1945 [from 29749 20/47/14]
2405 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: proposed legislation to enable persons detained in Great Britain under the Defence Regulations to be transferred to the Isle of Man
2406 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Liabilities (War Time Adjustment) Bill 1941
2407 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: rules made under the Liabilities (War Time Adjustment) Act 1942
2408 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Liabilities (War Time Adjustment) Bill 1944
2409 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Civil Defence Bill 1941
2410 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: National Service Bill 1941
2411 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Bill 1941
2412 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: postponement of members of House of Keys and of public authorities
2413 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: proposed amendment of the House of Keys and Public Authorities Election Act 1941, The House of Keys and Public Elections Bill 1943
2414 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Bill 1945
2415 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The House of Keys and Public Authorities Elections Order 1946
2416 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Financial Powers (USA Securities) Bill 1941
2417 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Securities (Validation) Bill 1941
2418 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Ministers of the Crown (Emergency Appointment) Act 1939 (Imperial Parliament)
2419 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The National Service (No 2) Act 1941 (Imperial Parliament)
2420 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Allied Powers (War Service) Bill 1942
2421 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Amendment) Bill 1942
2422 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Emergency Powers (Isle of Man Defence) Bill 1942
2423 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Emergency Powers (Isle of Man Defence) Bill 1942
2424 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Defence (Service in the United Kingdom) Regulations (Isle of Man) 1945, The Service in the United Kingdom (Registration) Order 1944
2425 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: administration of the Defence (Service in the United Kingdom) Regulations (Isle of Man) Order 1943
2426 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1943
2427 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The National Service (Isle of Man) Bill 1943
2428 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: National Service Act 1942, proposed Bill
2429 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Acquisition of Land (Defence) Bill (Imperial Parliament)
2430 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The War Damage (Amendment) Bill 1943
2431 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Reinstatement in Civil Employment Bill 1944
2432 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Landlord and Tenant Bill 1945
2433 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Police and Firemen (War Service) Act 1944
2434 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: validation of War-time Leases Bill 1944
2435 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Oaths and Legislation of Deeds (Captioning) Bill 1945
2436 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Supplies and Services (Extended Purposes) Act 1947
2437 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Emergency Laws (Transitional Provisions) Bill 1945, Act 1946 Imperial Parliament
2438 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Emergency Powers (Repeal) Bill 1946
2439 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: correspondence regarding regulations 90 and 92 of the Defence (General) Regulations (Isle of Man) 1939
2440 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: aerodromes
2441 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: control of aircraft
2442 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: procedure adopted in case of emergency
2443 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: censorship
2444 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: censorship
2445 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: censorship
2446 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: censorship
2447 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence (Lighting Restriction) (No 2) Order 1939
2448 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: War Emergency Precautions Committee
2449 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Emergency Tynwald, Sep 1939
2450 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: The Isle of Man Arbitration Act 1949, The Emergency Powers (Defence) Conditions of Employment and National Arbitration Order 1940
2451 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: circumstances arising in the Isle of Man due to war
2452 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: war security arrangements in the Isle of Man
2453 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: coast patrol
2454 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: administration of the National Service 1948 (Armed Forces) Acts 1948, 1939 [to N 2302/5]
2455 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes - General Advisory Council [Committee]
2456 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Tynwald War Committee
2457 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Tynwald War Committee
2458 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Tynwald War Committee
2459 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Tynwald War Committee
2460 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes of the Tynwald War Committee
2461 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Tynwald War Committee
2462 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Tynwald War Committee and General Advisory Committee
2463 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: reports of the Tynwald War Committee
2464 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald
2465 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald
2466 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald
2467 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald
2468 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald
2469 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: minutes prepared by Deemster Cowley on the meetings of the War Committee of Tynwald [empty file]
2470 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: Defence Regulations, submission to War Committee of draft Orders and Regulations
2471 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: monthly summaries on the work of the General Advisory Committee
2472 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: circulation of memoranda on complex questions to members in advance of a sitting
2473 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of highways and rights of way in connection with Mooragh Alien Camps
2474 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of highways and rights of way at Port Erin, Port St Mary and Rushen
2475 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of roads in Douglas
2476 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: re-opening of closed portions of Douglas Promenade
2477 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of roads in Onchan
2478 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of the footpath and escalator to Falcon Cliff Hotel
2479 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of roads in Peel
2480 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of roads by the military
2481 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of car park in Finch Road, Douglas
2482 - Chief Secretary's Office: War arrangements: closing of roads at Castletown
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